Following up on Annie's branch versioning presentation in today's meeting, here are a number of helpful links to round out your knowledge of the topic:
Help Documentation
Enterprise data management strategies - Good intro topic that gives an overview of managing data with and without versioning (both traditional and branch versioning), benefits/limitations to each approach and some example workflows
Overview of versioning - The first topic in the versioning section that you can start with and then follow the table of contents downwards to other topics you may be interested in. Both traditional and branch versioning are discussed throughout
Useful Blog Topics
To Branch or not to branch - Introductory conceptual topic offering an overview of Branch versioning
Branch Versioning: Setting the stage - How to get data registered as branch versioned and a service published with version management capabilities
Editing and administration with branch versioning - How to edit branch versioned data, reconcile versions, conflict resolution, and posting to Default
Hope this helps!
Thanks everyone,
Thanks Jonathan.
I have added Annie's slidedeck to the meeting pdf RH_User_Group_January_2020.pdf
Nathan Easley, branch versioning for R&H is only supported at Pro and it is mandatory is that correct?
Yes that's correct. The option to branch version data only appears in ArcGIS Pro. In order to make Roads and Highways edits (Create, Extend, Realign, etc.) in ArcGIS Pro, you'll need a service with branch versioned data, and the linear referencing/version management capabilities enabled, that was publishing using ArcGIS Pro.