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Esri’s Collector User Group

03-30-2017 12:18 PM
Occasional Contributor II
1 0 590

This post is a reminder announcement about Esri’s Collector User Group (UG), which focuses on mobile data collection topics, lessons learned, and best practices within the State DOT community.  Tom Brenneman (from Esri’s Transportation Team) is a co-chair for the UG along with Shawn Blaesing-Thompson (Iowa DOT) and Ian Kidner (Ohio DOT).

The next UG meeting will held via webinar on Thursday, June 8, 2017.  This will be a great opportunity for State DOTs to connect with each other and to learn more about how Collector for ArcGIS and Survey123 for ArcGIS can assist them with their field data collection workflows.

If you would like to be added to the Collector UG email distribution list, please contact Shawn Blaesing-Thompson at

In addition, if you have a Collector-related topic you would like to see presented at a future meeting and/or are interested in presenting at a future meeting, please contact Shawn, Ian, and Tom (emails provided below):
Shawn Blaesing-Thompson (Collector UG Co-Chair, Iowa DOT)
Ian Kidner (Collector UG Co-Chair, Ohio DOT)
Tom Brenneman (Collector UG Co-Chair, Esri)

Thank you for your interest and participation!