I have two datasets with the same format and common fields; read in R through arcgisbinding package and to data.frame format by 'arc.select()'. I ran the join (type='full') function (plyr package) between the two but the resulting class is not 'arc.data' any more and seems to have lost its spatial data representation; when opening ArcGIS I can only see the joined table as an attribute table. How can I preserve the spatial information so I can then see the vecotrised data in my GDB file?
Hello Nora Quesada,
The current stable version of the bridge doesn't directly support dplyr, but you can try the pre-release for the next version, which does support dplyr. Could you try that version? It's available here:
Release v1.0.1.229 · R-ArcGIS/r-bridge · GitHub
To install it, you can either place the downloaded .zip file into the same directory as the r-bridge-install toolbox, or you can install it directly from R following this screencast.