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UserR! 2020 Geospatial Track

01-24-2020 03:15 PM
Esri Contributor
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UserR! 2020 is coming to St Louis in July and this year will have a specific track and activities for the geospatial community. If you've done something interesting with R and ArcGIS please join is in St Louis to share your work in a 5 minute lightning talk or 20 minute presentation. The deadline for abstracts is February 3rd. This is the week before the annual Esri User Conference in San Diego, so you're coming from overseas you can go straight to San Diego after St Louis. Again this year at UC we will hold a full day hands-on preconference workshop on using R with ArcGIS.

About the Author
I've been working on spatial analysis capabilities in Esri products since 1989. Now spending most of my time on distributed big data implementations in the cloud and sharing analytic capabilities to a wider audience via web services.