I using geoserver wms service in my qt/qml app like http://giswebservices.massgis.state.ma.us/geoserver/wms? but I can't see any layer in map and spatial refrerence is invalid ,but there are not any exception .How can I see this service layer in map?
I can use this service from ArcMap when I add as WMS Server from GIS Server.And then I drag and drop one layer(Counties) in map .Here is below pictures:
Here is below picture using with WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer in qt/qml app.
Here is below console output:
I don't think the URL you provided is enough for the layer to know what to display. It appears to be the endpoint to several services/layers hosted by that org. The below code works for me
ApplicationWindow { id: appWindow width: 800 height: 600 title: "wms" Map { anchors.fill: parent focus: true WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer { url: "http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/cgi-bin/wms/iowa/rainfall.cgi?" } } }
So QT/QML side don't supported to display one of layer (Counties) or don't know what to display from http://giswebservices.massgis.state.ma.us/geoserver/wms? service.Can we display in QT/C++ side same layer(Counties) in http://giswebservices.massgis.state.ma.us/geoserver/wms? service?
KK- We are currently looking into this, as I'm not sure how this works with this structure.