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Problems integrating ArcGIS Runtime SDK 10.2 with Qt 5.1.1 / Qt Creator 2.8.1

01-16-2014 12:50 AM
Deactivated User
Hi everybody, hi Jen!

For my installations I used these (binary) files:

Further data about the (physical, not virtual) system being used:
Qt 5.1.1 (+ Qt Creator 2.8.1) with Visual C++11.0 (amd64) Compiler, Win7-Prof. 64bit

My problem:
Building a new project seems to work, but as soon as I run it, the application window appears and then freezes after one or two seconds with a note that my "project.exe" does not work anymore. Using the tool "Dependency Walker" I found out, that the connection to ESRIRUNTIMEQT.DLL is broke. (I did "Copy esri_runtime_qt_10_2.prf to the mkspecs\features folder ..." , as described here:

My question:
Where's the button that makes the connection to this library work? Is it a system variable, is it the "/" vs. "\" -problem in the paths, is it another configuration file that has not been mentioned in the official description?

After trying so many times, I'd be really grateful for any help!

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9 Replies
Deactivated User
Hi Günter,

Are you using the template that we supplied to start your project?
Can you send me your .pro file so I can take a look at what can be missing?

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Deactivated User
Hi Jen,

thanks for your message. Sure I can send you my .pro file (I gave it another ending, so I could upload it without problems). Please see the attachment. Just let me know if you need any other files.

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Deactivated User
Hi Günter,

I verified your .pro file and it looks fine. There are a few things that I need to validate with you in order to find the root of the issue that you encountering,.
Are you trying to deploy the app or are you trying to run your app within creator?

If you are trying to deploy the app: you will have to copy all your dlls that you need in your bin and the platform folder as explain in this link:

If you are trying to run your app within creator, you have to make sure that you have copied the esri_runtime_qt_10_2.prf to the mkspecs\features folder of the kit that you are using. In your case, it should be in the Qt 5.1.1 kit.

You will have to close QtCreator and restart it after that you have copied the prf file.

Let me know if this worked for you.

0 Kudos
Deactivated User
Hi Jen,
well, I'm trying to run my app within the creator. Please see the screenshot in the attachment, this is where I put the file "esri_runtime_qt_10_2.prf". To me, it looks like it is ment to be, after following your description.

The path "C:\Qt\Qt5.1.1\5.1.1\msvc2012_64\mkspecs\features" should be alright.

Are there any system variables that need to be set manually?

Thank you for your help!

0 Kudos
Deactivated User

Can you try the .pro file that I have attached? When you install ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt 10.2, there is an environment variable that is added. Can you check if you have ARCGISRUNTIMESDKQT_10_2 in your variable?

I hard coded the path of a few things to see if Qt creator is able to find those path.

Let me know if this works for you.

0 Kudos
Deactivated User
Hi Jen

Yes, the environment variable is there. I was only wondering, if  ARCGISRUNTIMESDKQT_10_2 was the only variable the system definitely needs.
Besides the above mentioned system variable I still have the variable "QTDIR" = "C:/Qt/Qt5.1.1/5.1.1/msvc2012_64" set (from times when the runtime was in beta version). There are still values set to "Path".
My question: Should I erase all these variables apart from ARCGISRUNTIMESDKQT_10_2  ? (Actually I had already tried that out weeks ago and it had not made any difference anyway ...)

Trying to use the hard coded .pro file I get this error message:

"Error:LNK1104: file "EsriRuntimeQtd.lib" cannot be opened."

The library can't be found. I tried it out in the existing project and also in a new one. Opening your .txt file in creator and saving as .pro file seemed to work, I also tried copy & paste in the new project. There was no difference in the reaction (both times the same error message).

Please let me know, which other files or screenshots could help you analyse the problem.

0 Kudos
Deactivated User
Hi Günter,

Sorry for the delay but we did several testing and we were not able to reproduce the issue. Can you try reinstalling the ArcGIS runtime SDK for Qt on your machine as the admin of the machine?
Also, are you using the openGL VS2012 of Qt 5.1? Can you make sure of openGL?

0 Kudos
Deactivated User
Hi Jen,

thanks for your reply. As I have mentioned earlier, the used binaries were these:


For my installations I used these (binary) files:

I doubt if a new installation would change the existing problem, since I had tried that already before.

About using open GL: At "C:\Qt\Qt5.1.1\5.1.1\msvc2012_64\bin"
I found
- "Qt5OpenGL.dll"   and
- "Qt5OpenGLd.dll"  .

So I would say yes, I am using Open GL. Hope that helps you for further analysis.

0 Kudos
Deactivated User
Hi Günter,

Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce your issue. The only way that was able to reproduce the issue is when the .prf file was not copied to the right location. We will be releasing our 10.2.2 release in a few weeks so for now I would suggest that you copy the pro file that I have attached into the your creator template folder.
You should rename the arcgis_runtime_sdk_10_2_for_qt_application.txt and copy it to <"your creator path">\share\qtcreator\templates\wizards\ArcGISRuntimeQtTemplate\

I would like to apologize since I made a typo in the last test_18 file that I sent you. You will also find it in the attachments.
Let me know if the new template arcgis_runtime_sdk_10_2_for_qt_application pro file and test_18 files work for you.

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