Can I offline editing (GeodatabaseFeatureServiceTable ) table without shape in qt/qml ?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Problem was solved I'm using GenerateGeodatabaseParameters layerIds property before generate offline geodatabase like below with bold text:
Button {
id: generateButton
text: "Generate Geodatabase"
enabled: false
style: ButtonStyle {
label: Text {
text: control.text
color: control.enabled ? "black" : "grey"
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
onClicked: {
generateGeodatabaseParameters.extent = mainMap.extent;
generateGeodatabaseParameters.layerIds=[18]; (Table id)
generateGeodatabaseParameters.returnAttachments = false;
statusText.text = "Starting generate geodatabase task";
geodatabaseSyncTask.generateGeodatabase(generateGeodatabaseParameters, gdbPath);
Yes, you should be able to do this.
How can I do this ? Can we use same Class's like Arcgis Runtime SDK for QT examples in Local Geodatabase editing or can we use some spatial Class's for table aditing in offline mod.
If your service has a mixture of spatial and non-spatial layers that are editable in it, you should be able to use the GeodatabaseSyncTask to generate a local geodatabase, similar to the Local Geodatabase Editing sample. Then, create a GeodatabaseFeatureTable from the non-spatial table, and edit just the same as a spatial table. The only difference is that you cannot edit the geometry, as the non-spatial table will not even have geometry.
How to create a GeodatabaseFeatureTable from the non-spatial table?I only acces in FeatureLayer's in geodatabase in download not table's .Are there any code or example how do download tables without geometry? Here is below my GeodatabaseFeatureTable and Geodatabase
GeodatabaseFeatureTable {
id: local
geodatabase: gdb.valid ? gdb : null
featureServiceLayerId:18 (Table)
Geodatabase {
id: gdb
path: geodatabaseSyncTask.geodatabasePath
onValidChanged: { if (valid) {
var gdbtables = gdb.geodatabaseFeatureTables;
for(var i in gdbtables)
console.log (gdbtables[i].featureServiceLayerName);
Problem was solved I'm using GenerateGeodatabaseParameters layerIds property before generate offline geodatabase like below with bold text:
Button {
id: generateButton
text: "Generate Geodatabase"
enabled: false
style: ButtonStyle {
label: Text {
text: control.text
color: control.enabled ? "black" : "grey"
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
onClicked: {
generateGeodatabaseParameters.extent = mainMap.extent;
generateGeodatabaseParameters.layerIds=[18]; (Table id)
generateGeodatabaseParameters.returnAttachments = false;
statusText.text = "Starting generate geodatabase task";
geodatabaseSyncTask.generateGeodatabase(generateGeodatabaseParameters, gdbPath);