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OAuth2 without QML | Toolbox (Existing application)

12-30-2024 12:42 PM
Labels (2)
Emerging Contributor

I am trying to get OAuth2 to work within my existing application.
This application is currently using the 


method to set the API key, but we want to change this to OAuth.,
I have been looking at all the examples but it doesn't seem very useful for my implementation.

I figured out what url to call and I am able to go through the login from within my QT Desktop application.
I figured out I can change the "redirect-url" to "my-application://oauth" which will automatically open/re-activate my application after login.

Where I am stuck is that (atleast under OSX) I can not intercept that  call in QT (when my application is already open)

Calling the following url, anyone knows what "response_type"s are available, perhaps that could help me out.

QString authUrl = QString("")

Does anyone know how to intercept the redirect from the QWebview or how to filter the specific event under OSX (and Windows/Linux) and what should I do with the token?

A link to some actual documentation instead of QML examples would be great too!!

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @FlipVernooij . Without using our toolkit components, it will be difficult to process OAuth2 manually. It's doable, but we handle all the details in our toolkit code.

I recently did some R&D on the workflow you're attempting, and some of the details are in a branch. Note, some of that branch is based on code that doesn't exist yet in our product (and may never), so take it with a grain of salt.

These are based on Qt's newer OAuth support classes. Refer to for how to setup the callback URI scheme and register your app. I tried this on macOS and couldn't get it working, but I was mostly focused on iOS and Android.

These recommendations are for the out-of-process browser login experience. If you're ok with using the WebView, which will callback to the same app, you can use "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" as your callback URI. That is what we currently do in our toolkit.

If you're working with arcgis services, then take a look at for how to configure this and register your callback URI/URL.

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Esri Regular Contributor

@FlipVernooij I should add that we do have a toolkit for Qt Widgets as well, and our OAuth2 sign in workflow is supported there as well. It just doesn't have any examples to go along with it. 

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