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Missing features

08-29-2013 01:48 AM
New Contributor
Hello all,

Does anybody know about any source or dev blog to check which features from the final SDK version are missing in the Beta?

- setVisible method not available for sub-layers in ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer
- No support available for tiff and shape files
... etc

Thanks in advance
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7 Replies
Deactivated User
Thank you for your interest and feedbacks. As you may know, ArcGIS Runtime DSK for Qt is a new SDK therefore it will take several releases for the SDK to gain parity with the other SDKs that have been continuously involving at the same time.  Therefore, it would be hard to provide an extensive list for all the features that are not in the Beta release. Perhaps, you can send me a list of functionalities that you would be interested in and I can let you know the ones that are missing.

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Deactivated User

I have started working with the Qt SDK.
The feature that I would want to have is :
->> Graphics added to GraphicsLayer should have the ability to handle mouse events.


Thank you for your interest and feedbacks. As you may know, ArcGIS Runtime DSK for Qt is a new SDK therefore it will take several releases for the SDK to gain parity with the other SDKs that have been continuously involving at the same time.  Therefore, it would be hard to provide an extensive list for all the features that are not in the Beta release. Perhaps, you can send me a list of functionalities that you would be interested in and I can let you know the ones that are missing.

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Deactivated User

I am not certain that I understand you question correctly. You can connect to the MousePress and MouseRelease events in order to get the coordinate on the map that the user has clicked. Using those values, you can call on the GraphicsLayer the following function graphicIDs where you give it the x,y coordinate and it will return the graphics that intersect the click.

Let me know if this addresses your question.



I have started working with the Qt SDK.
The feature that I would want to have is :
->> Graphics added to GraphicsLayer should have the ability to handle mouse events.

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Deactivated User

I am not certain that I understand you question correctly. You can connect to the MousePress and MouseRelease events in order to get the coordinate on the map that the user has clicked. Using those values, you can call on the GraphicsLayer the following function graphicIDs where you give it the x,y coordinate and it will return the graphics that intersect the click.

Let me know if this addresses your question.


I should be able  to hold a graphic with the mouse and move around the map.
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Deactivated User
I should be able  to hold a graphic with the mouse and move around the map.


You should be able to code this by combining the different mouse Event  using the Beta Release combined with the moveGraphic function.

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Deactivated User

You should be able to code this by combining the different mouse Event  using the Beta Release combined with the moveGraphic function.


I have not found function "moveGraphic".

The implementation of Map class seems to be different from the usual View-Scene-Items concept . By "View-Scene-Items" I mean that you create QGraphicsItems, add them to QGraphicsScene and set scene to the QGraphicsView. In this approach everything that's seen is a QGraphicsItem. But in the Map class which happens to be a QGraphicsView class there are no QGraphicsItems. May be you wanted to hide away all the implementation and draw in the QWidget paint() (inherited by QGraphicsView) method. But the View-Scene-Items approach is a better way for a developer. As it the native way of handling graphics in QT. Why can't an  EsriRuntimeQt::Graphic be a QGraphicsItem ? This could have given more control on the things that we draw on Map. You can still hide away your drawing of the map by using QGraphicsPixmapItem. As a QT developer I would love to have the scheme of things setup as i have explained. Hope you will take note of my requests.
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Deactivated User
I have not found function "moveGraphic".

The implementation of Map class seems to be different from the usual View-Scene-Items concept . By "View-Scene-Items" I mean that you create QGraphicsItems, add them to QGraphicsScene and set scene to the QGraphicsView. In this approach everything that's seen is a QGraphicsItem. But in the Map class which happens to be a QGraphicsView class there are no QGraphicsItems. May be you wanted to hide away all the implementation and draw in the QWidget paint() (inherited by QGraphicsView) method. But the View-Scene-Items approach is a better way for a developer. As it the native way of handling graphics in QT. Why can't an  EsriRuntimeQt::Graphic be a QGraphicsItem ? This could have given more control on the things that we draw on Map. You can still hide away your drawing of the map by using QGraphicsPixmapItem. As a QT developer I would love to have the scheme of things setup as i have explained. Hope you will take note of my requests.


sorry for the confusion, the function has changed name recently but in our beta release it is called "void GraphicsLayer::movePointGraphic(const int& id, const Point& to)". So EsriRuntimeQt::Graphic should added to EsriRuntimeQt::GraphicLayer and not to the QGraphicsScene. If you are looking at an example of where we are tracking the mouse movement and moving a graphic, you can go to our sample application and look into the geometry samples.

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