I found a bug in the library,
by using enclayers for s57, when using identifyLayers for searching objects represented in the map a crash occurs.
By trying to understand if I was making something wrong, I found that the bug happens if an identifyLayers is running and the user move the map.
I was able to reproduce this using arcgis V100.15 and V200.3.
The same happens by using identifyLayers (deprecated) or identifyLayersAsync (new method).
I tried to find a workaround, but there is no way to solve this. I think it should be corrected in the library:
Does someone have idea to solve it?
In attachment there is a simple software (made with QtCreator) that issues identifyLayers requests and moves the cartography position, the crash timing is randomic but it always happens within a minute after start.
N.B.: I tried to contact directly the customer-care, but they answered:
Unfortunately, the information you provided does not appear to be a report of a bug
I think they answered without trying the attached source code.
Hey @VittorioBarulli,
I think you left your API key in the example code you provided. You may want to remove that and repost the code.
We've confirmed this issue, thank you for pointing this out to us @VittorioBarulli.
We've implemented a crash prevention measure (but not a full solution) for the 200.6 release. So while your application won't crash, it will return return an empty set of results in the case where a crash would have occurred. We realize this isn't an ideal solution, and we're investigating a solution that will return the expected results.