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How to add TextSymbol and SimpleMarkerSymbol to the same Graphic object.

09-04-2017 05:42 AM
New Contributor II

Hi everyone! I have some trouble with displayng a marker with some legend. When i put a marker on the map, there is no problem to replace it during the program execution. But i want to connect this marker with a legend and update the position of my marker at the same time with the legend. I found a simple way to create a legend by using TextSymbol, but it blocked SimpleMarkerSymbol.

Sample of code:


SimpleMarkerSymbol* crossSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle::Cross, QColor("red"), 12, this);

Point point(-110.828140, 44.460458, SpatialReference::wgs84());

Graphic* graphic = new Graphic(point, crossSymbol, this);


And display it:


In this code there's no any problems. As if i add TextSymbol.

I know that both of this classes Inherited from the same parent, but can i put them together and then update coordinates in a way like this:

Graphic* tmp= m_graphicsOverlay->graphics()->at( 'Some index ');

tmp->setGeometry(point); (reinitialize coordinates).

Or should i use some other way? Can anyone tell me.

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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi George, you can use the CompositeSymbol type (CompositeSymbol Class | ArcGIS for Developers ) to combine together two or more Symbols. The code below shows how you could combine a TextSymbol with your existing crossSymbol and use them as a CompositeSymbol which gets its position (geometry) updated every time the user clicks on the map.

TextSymbol* textSymbol = new TextSymbol("hello", Qt::blue, 12, HorizontalAlignment::Left, VerticalAlignment::Bottom, this);
  SimpleMarkerSymbol* crossSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle::Cross, QColor("red"), 12, this);
  CompositeSymbol* compositeSymbol = new CompositeSymbol(QList<Symbol*>{textSymbol, crossSymbol}, this);
  Point point(-110.828140, 44.460458, SpatialReference::wgs84());
  Graphic* graphic = new Graphic(point, compositeSymbol, this);
  GraphicsOverlay* overlay = new GraphicsOverlay(this);
  connect(m_mapView, &MapQuickView::mouseClicked, this, [graphic, this](QMouseEvent& mouseEvent)
    Point newPos = m_mapView->screenToLocation(mouseEvent.x(), mouseEvent.y());

This approach would let you apply a label to the market symbol you are already using.

I hope that helps,


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New Contributor II

Thanks for replying my question Luke! Your advice was very useful.

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