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Create an Offline Map in ArcGIS Runtime 100.1

09-13-2017 09:51 AM
Emerging Contributor


I'd like to store map tiles offline using ArcGIS Runtime for Qt. The simplest solution I need for now would be to store the map tiles from one of the built in basemaps (like lightgraycanvas) and load it up when my application starts running.

I'm sure there is a straightforward way to do this, I am just unfamiliar with the process.

Thank you!


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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi Nick,

do you want to use offline content and can use a process to create the offline content with tools like ArcGIS Pro.

Or do you want to create the offline content within the runtime? So that the user defines an extent he wants to store offline like google maps does?


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Emerging Contributor

I'd like to create an offline content within the runtime where the user defines the extent he wants

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