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country borders not displayed in 3D scenes

06-19-2023 01:17 AM
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New Contributor

I have very simple ArcGIS Maps 200.0.0 Qt Quick QML app examples to display a map and a scene with the same basemap, here are the corresponding code snippets:
Map case:



MapView {
    anchors.fill: parent
    Map {
        initBasemapStyle: Enums.BasemapStyleArcGISLightGray



Scene case:



SceneView {
    anchors.fill: parent
    Component.onCompleted: {
    Scene {
        Basemap {
            initStyle: Enums.BasemapStyleArcGISLightGray




Country borders can be seen in the Map example. In the case of using a Scene, country borders are not displayed at any zoom level. Did not work with any basemap that I tried. Is this expected behavior or a bug? What is the correct way to display country borders in 3D scenes?

Running on Linux but also observed for iOS. Qt version is 6.2.8.

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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hello Sky,

I ran this test and I'm unable to determine why this isn't working. I've logged an internal bug with our team to look into it. Unfortunately, I was unable to find another basemap for you to use that does show the borders at this time. 


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New Contributor

Thank you for looking into this!

I don't have much experience with ArcGIS but it seems to me there have been changes to the basemaps vector tile data available on the ArcGIS Online servers that might have broken the country borders.

I have some vtpk data exported via

more than 2 months ago that works fine when used with VectorTileCache in a Scene. The (same parameter) export a few days ago did not show country boundaries in a Scene, only in a Map.

Hope this information can help find the problem.

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