Can you provide some more details? Which platforms are you on? What does your code look like? Are you on a VM? What graphics card and GPU do you have? Do map views work as expected?
I am Using Windows 10
Just a Simple code with blank scene and scene view same code is working on other machine.
I am not using any VM
Graphics Card is NVIDIA QUADRO 4000...DIRECTX 12
MapView is working as expected..
can you please share your code and a screenshot of what it looks like?
Code has these lines...
// Create a Blank scene
Scene* scene = new Scene(this);// Create a scene view, and pass in the scenem_sceneView = new SceneGraphicsView(scene, this);// set the sceneView as the central widgetsetCentralWidget(m_sceneView);
I tested this out on Windows but couldn't reproduce the issue. If this is a high priority issue, I suggest you contact Esri Support to troubleshoot further.
I am seeing this on the scene view demos as well
Intro to SceneView - Create a 3D map | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.12
however if you change the basemap it will show as expected
it doesn't happen in firefox or edge only chrome
I get a warning in the console that look suspicious
[.WebGL-0000027793BD2230] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: Error: 0x00000502, in ../../third_party/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d9/Image9.cpp, createSurface:278. Internal D3D9 error: HRESULT: 0x8876086C: Failed to create image surface
this could have something to do with chome's latest release
I have the same problem with the scene viewer in ArcGIS Online & Chrome. Is there a fix for this?
I'm unclear what the issue being reported is. I believe the initial issue is referring to a Runtime SDK for Qt app whereas the reports from Brian and Jos are with the Scene Viewer app in the browser? If you are experiencing issues with the scene viewer in the browser, it would be best to report this to the ArcGIS Online space.
This issue is for Runtime SDK for Qt App only Lucas.