I got installed Esri ArcGIS SDK (C++) samples (I got it as developer). The library´s used by the samples are been recognized from QtCreator as it´s spected (I´ve been running the samples and everything went well in QT). I tried to use different classes part of the SDK C++ for Qt and I got problems with the headers files not been recognised.
For exemple when I include the WmsDynamicMapService as below:
#include "WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer.h"...........( Cannot open include file: 'WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer.h').
The same is happening with others classes too.
I looked into include directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS SDKs\Qt100.0\sdk\include) and I could not find this library mentioned above and many others libraries that I would like to use. Need I install something else to have all headers files available in SDK C++ for Qt refeference classes?
I have a similar issue with ArcGis Runtime sdk version 10.2.6 there are no header files in the sdk. Version 100.0 has include files but the header files have changed drastically which I assume why Mario can not find what he needs. The funny thing is the API documentation lists all the header files I need, but they are not in the SDK. Is there a version of 10.2.6 that has include files?
Not all classes that were present at 10.2.6 are present at 100.0. 100.0 was a move into the next generation of ArcGIS Runtime, and while it is close to being functionally equivalent (plus lots of new things that were not available at 10.2.6), there are some things that are not yet present at 100.0 that were available at 10.2.6. Most of those holes will be filled with the first update, which is scheduled to come out in June.
As for WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer.h, that is a class that is not in version 100.0, hence why you cannot find the header in the install.