Mac deployment tool requires three dylib files to be saved under /usr folder The link below explains it under section named "Using QT's Mac Deployment Tool".
I tried manually copying libEsriRuntimeQt.dylib under that folder because it was not copied and came across the following issue, that folder does not allow me to modify it.
Does anyone have a solution for this? Long story short, I think my final .app file would work fine if I had a way to just put that dylib file into it.
Here's some more content on my issue. I ran the following command from my release folder:
$HOME/Qt/5.12.2/clang_64/bin/macdeployqt -verbose=2
I can see the following error on in the output.
ERROR: no file at "usr/lib/libEsriCommonQt.dylib"
I think this error is a result of linking operation failing due to write access limitation of the System Integrity whatever ...
Hi Selim,
If you try
$HOME/Qt/5.12.2/clang_64/bin/macdeployqt -verbose=2 -libpath=$HOME/ArcGIS/<version>/sdk/macOS/x64/lib
Does that work?
That didn't work but after searching some more online I managed to get some builds working using following two commands:
otool -L
install_name_tool -change libEsriCommonQt.dylib @rpath/libEsriCommonQt.dylib ./
The issue is with mapping the dylib into the executable one way or the other.
By the way, thanks for rapid responses. I really appreciate the developer community here at Esri!