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Zonal Stats on Imagery Server is glacially slow

03-10-2023 09:55 AM
Occasional Contributor

I am attempting to run zonal stats against a number of imagery server layer. My general workflow is this:



##create image server layer
image_server_layer =, 'impervious_{}'.format('group_id'))

## run zonal stats on features with ~1700 zone polygons
zonal_stats_table = ZonalStatisticsAsTable(self.boundary, 'property_id', image_server_layer, '{}_mean_esg'.format(raster_name), "", "MEAN", "")




Experiencing processing times that are in the ballpark of hours. Doesn't seem to matter the imagery server used (I've published our own imagery services and used living atlas hosted imagery like NLCD Impervious). There are no errors being thrown. If I run using raster on disk the processing time for same operations is minutes. I have attached screen grab of server settings for imagery server I've published. @SarmisthaChatterjee 

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