I am extremely new to python so any help would be greatly appreciated. How would you skip the arcpy.Merge and arcpy.Clip if 'AAA010.shp' does not exist in the directory that os.walk is going through. I will have more code after the last line in this snippet. Currently, the script just skips completely over the 'AAA010.shp' even though it exists.
import os, fnmatch, arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r’C:\Users\sysadmin\desktop\datamanagement\MGCP.gdb’
fcMerged = ‘MergedFeatureClass’
fcClipped = ‘ClippedFeatureClass’
fcToClip = r’C:\Users\sysadmin\desktop\datamanagement\Country.shp’
filesMatched = list()
for root, subfolders, files in os.walk(r’C:\Users\sysadmin\desktop\datamanagement\MGCP_Raw’):
for f in fnmatch.filer(files, ‘AAA010.shp’):
if 'AAA010.shp' in filesMatched:
arcpy.Merge_management (filesMatched, fcMerged)
arcpy.Clip_analysis (fcMerged, fcToClip, Extraction_Mine)
else: pass
brian, looks like geonet may have hiccup' don you question and duplicated it multiple times. I would delete this one and a few of the other dupes so you only have one.
that has happened to me before (typically when my connection was flaky for a few minutes)
You should also mention that this question was asked in gis.stackexchange (twice, in fact), but was deemed unclear. It would probably help if you provide more information, including the version of ArcGIS in use, the contents of the directories, and, after adding a lot more diagnostics, the output of the script with those diagnostics. It's very difficult to help based on the information provided.
- V
I deleted the multiple entries....thought spammy was back
PS please format your code
>>> import os >>> mypath = r"Some\path" >>> if os.path.exists(mypath): print 'do stuff'
Here is a better example:
Consider you have a file structure like below
now if myfile points to the proper directory you would do the following
for root, subfolders, files in os.walk(myfile): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root,'New Text Document1.txt')): print 'yes'