I am not sure how you are getting the to paste in correctly. When I paste it in this is how it ends up. The code is running now. The only issue is that it doesn't seem to be giving me the sum of all buildings together in each parcel. It is giving me the area of each individual building.
# Set the necessary product code
# import arcinfo
# Import the Arcpy Module
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
# Set up the working Environment
env.workspace = r"D:\Travis\Personal\Geoff\Nantucket\Zoning\Backlots\Backlots.gdb"
env.overwriteOutput = True
Parcels ="R40_80000sqft"
Structures = "Nantucket_Structres"
Struc_Lyr = "Struc_Lyr"
Parc_Lyr = "Parcels_Lyr"
#Add a field to parcels to be populated with building area
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(Parc_Lyr, ['Shape@']) as parcelcursor:
for parcelrow in parcelcursor:
#get the geometry to use in the spatial selection
geom = parcelrow[0]
#select feature from the other layer using the geom variable
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management(Struc_Lyr, "HAVE_THEIR_CENTER_IN", geom, "", "NEW_SELECTION")
#get the area of the selected features and sum
areasum = 0
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(Struc_Lyr,['Shape@AREA']) as newcursor:
for newrow in newcursor:
areasum = areasum + newrow[0]
print areasum