Is there a function that returns the name of the variable rather than its contents.
For example.
T = 1
R= 2
S= 3
P = (T, R, S)
Is there a fucntion that if I do function(T) it will return T?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Please see Posting Code blocks in the new GeoNet
Suggested change, use a list, and create a list of labels in the same order:
Transmission = [T330OH, T330UG, T220OV, T132OH, T132UG, T66OV, T66UG, T33OH, T33UG, TransStruc, Substation] TransLabels = ["T330OH", "T330UG", "T220OV", "T132OH" (etc)
Then at the end:
k = 0 for Struc in Transmission: outputPath = r"S:\SupportServices\LGAShapefiles" basefileName = str(LGA2)+str(Struc)) fileFormat= '.shp' finalDest = os.path.join(outputPath,basefileName+Translabels+ fileFormat) arcpy.Clip_analysis(Struc,"LGAlyr", finalDest) k += 1 print "Process ended"
An unrelated comment, you seem to be using ListFeatureClasses (which returns a list) when you really want a path to a single dataset:
maybe instead of
T330OH = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("GISTRAN.Trans_330kV_OH_Carrier","All","GISTRAN.Transmission")
you mean:
T330OH = os.path.join("GISTRAN.Transmission", "GISTRAN.Trans_330kV_OH_Carrier")
Can you explain what you are trying to do?
What do you do after P = (T,R,S)?
P[0] and P[T-1] will both return 1.
eval("T") will also return 1.
I want to loop through P and then return T R S, not 1 2 3
for x in P
filename = " XYZ " + T
The desired output is XYZT not XYZ1
Is that possible?
You could create another list:
P1 = ["T","R","S"]
filename = "XYZ" + P1[0]
Or maybe a dictionary?
D = {1:"T", 2: "R", 3: "S"}
D[1] is "T"
if T == 1, D
import arcpy
import sys
import os
# Script to create LGA Map with WP Infrastructure
# Define variables
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Users\N041871\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.0\ArcCatalog\DynamicCredentials@GISR.sde"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
#LGA = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) # Input Required Local Government Area
#Define Layers to Intersect
#1. Transmission Layers
T330OH = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("GISTRAN.Trans_330kV_OH_Carrier","All","GISTRAN.Transmission")
T330UG = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("GISTRAN.Trans_330kV_UG_Cable","All","GISTRAN.Transmission")
T220OV = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("GISTRAN.Trans_220kV_OH_Carrier","All","GISTRAN.Transmission")
T132OH = r"C:\Users\N041871\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.0\ArcCatalog\DynamicCredentials@GISR.sde\GISTRAN.Transmission\GISTRAN.Trans_132kV_OH_Carrier"
T132UG = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("GISTRAN.Trans_132kV_UG_Cable","All","GISTRAN.Transmission")
T66OV = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("GISTRAN.Trans_66kV_OH_Carrier","All","GISTRAN.Transmission")
T66UG = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("GISTRAN.Trans_66kV_UG_Cable","All","GISTRAN.Transmission")
T33OH = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("GISTRAN.Trans_33kV_OH_Carrier","All","GISTRAN.Transmission")
T33UG = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("GISTRAN.Trans_33kV_UG_Cable","All","GISTRAN.Transmission")
TransStruc = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("GISTRAN.Trans_Structure","All","GISTRAN.Transmission")
Substation = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("GISTRAN.Substation","All","GISTRAN.Transmission")
#Group Transmission Values:
Transmission = (T330OH, T330UG, T220OV, T132OH, T132UG, T66OV, T66UG, T33OH, T33UG, TransStruc, Substation)
#Select Required LGA
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("GISEXT.Local_Government_Authority", "LGAlyr")
fieldName = "NAME"
Query = "\""+fieldName+"\"='"+LGA+"'"
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management ("LGAlyr", "NEW_SELECTION", Query)
###arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management ("LGAlyr", "NEW_SELECTION", """ "NAME" = 'ALBANY, CITY OF' """) - working code
for Struc in Transmission:
outputPath = r"S:\SupportServices\LGAShapefiles"
basefileName = str(LGA2)+str(Struc))
fileFormat= '.shp'
finalDest = os.path.join(outputPath,basefileName+fileFormat)
#print Struc
arcpy.Clip_analysis(T132OH, "LGAlyr",finalDest)
#arcpy.Clip_analysis(Struc,"LGAlyr", finalDest)
print "Process ended"
That is my code.
In the last loop I want to use the variable name to name the output file and the variable content for geoprocessing....
Is that possible?
Please see Posting Code blocks in the new GeoNet
Suggested change, use a list, and create a list of labels in the same order:
Transmission = [T330OH, T330UG, T220OV, T132OH, T132UG, T66OV, T66UG, T33OH, T33UG, TransStruc, Substation] TransLabels = ["T330OH", "T330UG", "T220OV", "T132OH" (etc)
Then at the end:
k = 0 for Struc in Transmission: outputPath = r"S:\SupportServices\LGAShapefiles" basefileName = str(LGA2)+str(Struc)) fileFormat= '.shp' finalDest = os.path.join(outputPath,basefileName+Translabels+ fileFormat) arcpy.Clip_analysis(Struc,"LGAlyr", finalDest) k += 1 print "Process ended"
An unrelated comment, you seem to be using ListFeatureClasses (which returns a list) when you really want a path to a single dataset:
maybe instead of
T330OH = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("GISTRAN.Trans_330kV_OH_Carrier","All","GISTRAN.Transmission")
you mean:
T330OH = os.path.join("GISTRAN.Transmission", "GISTRAN.Trans_330kV_OH_Carrier")
Thank you Curtis.
That worked and yes if did figure the path thing.
I have another issue. I want to delete all empty shapefiles in a folder. The following is not working:
#Find empty shapefiles and delete them
arcpy.env.workspace = r"S:\SupportServices\LGAShapefiles"
shapefiles = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
for shapefile in shapefiles:
if arcpy.management.GetCount(shapefile)[0]=="0":
print shapefile + "Deleted"
GetCount doesn't return a number, it returns a result object. This is documented in the help for the tool.
if str(arcpy.management.GetCount(shapefile))=="0":
# or (both will work)
if arcpy.management.GetCount(shapefile).getOutput(0)=="0":
Still not working.
ERROR 000732: Input Rows: Dataset GISTRAN.SubstationCOOROW, SHIRE OF.shp does not exist or is not supported
Failed to execute (GetCount).