Hello all
I have a gp tool I wrote in Pro that uses some python libraries that exists only for Python 3 and I would like to publish a GP service for that tool.
As far as I know (see here: FAQ: What version of Python is used in ArcGIS? ) Python 3 is not installed with Server.
Is there a way to do it?
There's no way to use modules/libraries for a version of Python that differs from the version shipped with ArcGIS Server, unfortunately, as GP services will use Python 2.7.
Have you tried? There's a Python 3 runtime available in Server 10.5 on Linux. A comment on GIS StackExchange seems to indicate the Python 3 runtime might be available for Windows as well.
Server 10.5 does have an internal version of Python3. This is how it can support geoprocessing services (web tools) created from ArcGIS Pro. I dont have a copy of Server 10.5 in front of me to drill down, but its somewhere deep deep down, like C:\Program Files\Server\Framework\ ... down down \ ..similar path to Python you see in Pro – KHibma Jan 15 at 18:04
I think the difference is whether the OP wants to run GP services using python 3, (which I can't see being possible), vs running standalone scripts on the Server machine using python 3.
I understood from Kevin Hibma's comment that the runtime was there for running GP services and the documentation seems to show you can publish GP tools from ArcGIS Pro - What is a web tool?—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop
You're right.. I should read more carefully.