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Using arcpy to read the "Pyramid Levels" property in a Terrain Dataset

01-25-2023 09:51 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hello Everyone, 

I am reaching out to see if anyone knows of a way to use arcpy read the pyramid level properties of a Terrain Dataset. I would like to be able to obtain a list of Z-Tolerance pyramid levels from a user defined Terrain Dataset. Reading the documentation and exploring the arcpy.Describe function, there does not appear to be a Describe object property, dataset property, or any other specific geodatabase or feature dataset property that reads the "Pyramid Level" properties within a Terrain Dataset. I would think there is a way to do this since other tools within the ArcPro GUI such as "Terrain to Points", clearly have tool validation code that reads these pyramid levels. However, I cannot find a way to accomplish this in my own scritpt tool I am creating. 


I have found a similar post raising this question from 2015, but no solution was ever mentioned.

I would really appreciate the communities insight on this. 



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