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Use different license level in stand alone script

09-18-2021 11:43 PM
Frequent Contributor

When we wrote a standalone Python script using ArcMap python (version 2.7) and wanted that it will use a different level license then the default we used "import arcinfo" or "import arcserver" if we need to use server license.

I could not find any way to do it if I use Pro arcpy (version 3). The CheckInExtension, CheckProduct and other function does exists but there is no way to change the default license. Tring to old import option gives an error.

Any idea?

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4 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

from Accessing licenses and extensions in Python—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

my reading is that licensing is set at the organization level and there is no way to set a different license level

Only ArcGIS Pro uses licensing through the organization. Other ArcGIS Desktop applications—ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcGlobe, and ArcScene—use the local ArcGIS Administrator application to set levels and extensions.

... sort of retired...
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Frequent Contributor

I was hoping  it is only my poor English  understanding 🙂

Can somebody from esri comment on this - it is important functionality that exists for ArcMap

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

How are you licensing ArcGIS Pro?  Single-Use, Concurrent-Use, Named User?

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Frequent Contributor

What we really like is to use local server license (import arcserver) on a machine that does not have pro installed.

If Pro is installed in most cases taking the default license is fine.

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