Uninstall Python 2.7 / Install ArcGIS 10.1 with out Python

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09-06-2012 05:32 AM
New Contributor III

I am migrating from ArcGIS Desktop 9.3.1 to 10.1.  Since we never use Python I wanted to find a way to install 10.1 without the new Python 2.7.  Unlike the previous version of Python (v2.5.1) that came preinstalled with 9.3.1 the new Python does not appear to be listed under Programs and Features (Win7) or Add/Remove programs (XP).  The uninstall string for Python 2.7 is not listed in the typical uninstall directory of the registry either.

For example to remove Python 2.5.1 from a VBScript I would use the following command:
WshShell.Run("C:\Python25\UNWISE.EXE /S C:\Python25\INSTALL.LOG",True,0)

My solution for now has been to simply delete the Python 2.7 folder (C:\Python27) when my 10.1 installation script is complete.  While my technique is effective it does leave a lot of shrapnel in the registry.  I cannot help but wonder if there is a more official process for removing this unecessary software from my machines.  The ArcGIS install guide has not been helpful in customizing my installation to my requirements.

ArcGIS Python Requirement:

Ideas or suggestions?
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13 Replies
New Contributor III

I believe I found a reason to keep Python.

Could someone confirm for me if the "Feature Class to Shapefile" tool in the toolbox under Conversion tools is a Python script?  The icon for this tool seems to resemble a script as opposed to the normal hammer icon.


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Frequent Contributor
I believe I found a reason to keep Python.

Could someone confirm for me if the "Feature Class to Shapefile" tool in the toolbox under Conversion tools is a Python script?  The icon for this tool seems to resemble a script as opposed to the normal hammer icon.


Yes it is.
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Esri Regular Contributor
In addition to "Script" tools, you'll hurt the Calculate Field tool when using Python expressions, as well as any layer properties which use Python. For example you can define label expressions with the Python parser.
Yeah, both of these examples make use of VBScript as the default parser, but removing Python would break that functionality should someone choose it.

My vote is with the masses above : dont remove it. And if you do, make sure thats the very first thing you tell tech support if you call in looking for help on anything. It would be a shame to spend a week on something only to find out that it was related to the Python removal.
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Occasional Contributor III
both of these examples make use of VBScript as the default parser

Since ESRI seems fully on the Python bandwagon, I'm wondering if longer term we will see this go away or loss of support for VBscript just as we have seen VBA support vanish. The consequence of this of course would be that Python suddenly becomes more more integral to ArcGIS than it is currently.

Since the OP raised the spectre of his concern being tied to security issues, I'm curious if there are any documented security breaches that have been linked to ArcGIS install of Python.  I browsed a few of the Bulletins randomly to see what issues there are with python but didn't find any references to python.  A search of the website discovered a bulletin dated to 2008 identifed an issue, but nothing more recent.

If there are indeed cyber security issues related to a python install, what specifically are those and what rational measures (removing it completely seems a bit extreme) are recommended for mitigating those issues? Has ESRI paid any attention to such concerns?
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