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Tool to script

11-15-2016 05:42 PM
Honored Contributor

I have a tool that I am running in do I convert into a .py 

I want to default the input parameters and run as .py

# Name:        SyncSurvey
# Purpose:     Initiate
# Author:      jame6423
# Created:     15/08/2016
# Copyright:   (c) jame6423 2016
# Licence:     <your licence>
import os, tempfile, shutil
import json, re
import uuid
import datetime, time, pytz
import urllib, urllib2
import sys

import arcpy

print "Start"

def getToken(username, password=None, portal_URL = ''):
    '''Gets a token from ArcGIS Online/Portal with the given username/password'''
    arcpy.AddMessage('\t-Getting Token')
    if password == None:
        password = getpass.getpass()
    parameters = urllib.urlencode({
        'username': username,
        'password': password,
        'client': 'referer',
        'referer': portal_URL,
        'expiration': 60,
        'f': 'json'
    tokenURL = '{0}/sharing/rest/generateToken?'.format(portal_URL)
    response = urllib.urlopen(tokenURL, parameters).read()
    token = json.loads(response)['token']
    return token

def getServiceDefinition(token, survey_URL):
    '''Gets the JSON representation of the service definition.'''
    response = urllib.urlopen("{0}?f=json&token={1}".format(survey_URL, token)).read()
    serviceInfo = json.loads(response)
    return serviceInfo

def getUTCTimestamp(timezone):
    '''Returns a UTC timestamp'''
    now =
    timeZone = pytz.timezone(timezone)
    localNow = timeZone.localize(now)
    utcNow = localNow.astimezone(pytz.utc)
    return utcNow

def createTimestampText(datetimeObj):
    '''Format a datetime for insertion using Calculate Fields'''
    outText = ""
    timeStringFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
    outText = datetimeObj.strftime(timeStringFormat)
    return outText

def getSurveyTables(workspace, prefix=''):
    '''Return a list of the tables participating in the survey'''
    originalWorkspace = arcpy.env.workspace
    arcpy.env.workspace = workspace
    #This is used in 2 contexts:
    #Downloaded GDB - tables have no prefix
    #Enterprise GDB - prefix is added to table name
    #The full table name (i.e. GDB.SCHEMA.NAME) is returned, so prefix is in the middle
    wildcard = '*{0}*'.format(prefix) if prefix != '' else '*'
    #List the Feature Classes & Tables
    #Tables also returns Attachment tables
    featureClasses = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(wildcard)
    tables = arcpy.ListTables(wildcard)

    #Loop through the tables, checking for:
    #1) Is this an attachment table?
    #2) Does the prefix actually match the prefix term exactly?
    allTables = featureClasses
    outTables = []
    for t in allTables:
        tableName = t.split('.')[-1]
        nameParts = tableName.split('_')
        if '__ATTACH' not in t:
            if nameParts[0] == prefix or prefix == '':
    arcpy.env.workspace = originalWorkspace
    return outTables

def getLastSynchronizationTime(workspace, tableList):
    '''Looks at the existing records in the SDE and returns the latest synchronization time'''
    arcpy.AddMessage('\t-Checking Last Sychronization')
    arcpy.env.workspace = workspace
    statTables = []
    #Dummy value to compare time
    lastSync = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
    for table in tableList:
        #Skip if empty table (i.e., no rows)
        arcpy.AddMessage('\t\t-Checking sync on {0}'.format(table))
        #Just use the last part of the table name
        tableName = table.split(".")[-1]
        rowCheck = arcpy.GetCount_management(tableName)
        rowCount = int(rowCheck.getOutput(0))
        if rowCount > 0:
            statTable = arcpy.Statistics_analysis(tableName, r'in_memory\stat_{0}'.format(tableName), "SYS_TRANSFER_DATE MAX")
    for s in statTables:
        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(s, ['MAX_sys_transfer_date']) as rows:
            for row in rows:
                thisDate = row[0]
                if thisDate > lastSync:
                    lastSync = thisDate
    #If we get no results (i.e., no tables) return None
    if lastSync == datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0):
        return None
        arcpy.AddMessage('\t\t-Last Synchornized on {0}'.format(createTimestampText(lastSync)))
        return lastSync

def getReplica(token, serviceURL, serviceInfo, now, outDir=None, outDB="outSurvey.geodatabase", lastSync=None):
    '''Downloads the full replica and then process client-side'''
    # See
    arcpy.AddMessage('\t-Getting Replica')
    createReplicaURL = '{0}/createReplica/?f=json&token={1}'.format(serviceURL, token)
    replicaParameters = {
        "geometry": "-180,-90,180,90",
        "geometryType": "esriGeometryEnvelope",
    if serviceInfo["syncCapabilities"]["supportsAttachmentsSyncDirection"] == True:
        replicaParameters["attachmentsSyncDirection"] = "bidirectional"
    layerList = [str(l["id"]) for l in serviceInfo["layers"]]
    tableList = [str(t["id"]) for t in serviceInfo["tables"]]
    replicaParameters["layers"] = ", ".join(layerList)
    layerQueries = {}
    createReplReq = urllib2.urlopen(createReplicaURL, urllib.urlencode(replicaParameters))

    #This is asynchronous, so we get a jobId to check periodically for completion
    thisJob = json.loads(
    if not "statusUrl" in thisJob:
        raise Exception("invalid job: {0}".format(thisJob))
    jobUrl = thisJob["statusUrl"]
    resultUrl = ""
    #Check for a max 1000 times (10000 sec = 2hr 46 min)
    sanityCounter = 1000
    while resultUrl == "":
        checkReq = urllib2.urlopen("{0}?f=json&token={1}".format(jobUrl, token))
        statusText =
        status = json.loads(statusText)
        if "resultUrl" in status.keys():
            resultUrl = status["resultUrl"]
        if sanityCounter < 0:
            raise Exception('took too long to make replica')
        if status["status"] == "Failed" or status["status"] == "CompletedWithErrors":
            raise Exception('Create Replica Issues: {0}'.format(status["status"]))
        arcpy.AddMessage('\t\t-Check {0}: {1}'.format(str(1001-sanityCounter), status["status"]))
        sanityCounter = sanityCounter - 1
    #Download the sqlite .geodatabase file
    resultReq = urllib2.urlopen("{0}?token={1}".format(resultUrl, token))
    if outDir == None:
        outDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    outFile = os.path.join(outDir, outDB)
    with open(outFile, 'wb') as output:

    #transfer from sqlite to GDB
    surveyGDB = os.path.join(outDir, 'outSurvey.gdb')
    arcpy.CopyRuntimeGdbToFileGdb_conversion(outFile, surveyGDB)
    return surveyGDB

def filterRecords(surveyGDB, now, lastSync):
    '''Filter the records to those that need to be updated'''
    #Note - This excludes new entries that are *after* the timestamp
    #       Depending on how active the survey is, there may have been new submissions
    #           after the start of the script
    #       We put in a max time to ensure consistency in operation from run to run and
    #           table to table
    arcpy.AddMessage('\t-Filtering records to new set')
    arcpy.env.workspace = surveyGDB
    nowText = createTimestampText(now)
    tableList = getSurveyTables(surveyGDB)
    dateField = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(surveyGDB, "CreationDate")
    excludeStatement = "CreationDate > date '{1}'".format(dateField, nowText)
    if lastSync != None:
        lastSyncText = createTimestampText(lastSync)
        excludeStatement = excludeStatement + " OR CreationDate <= date '{0}'".format(lastSyncText)
    i = 0
    for table in tableList:
        i = i + 1
        thisName = 'filterView{0}'.format(str(i))
        dsc = arcpy.Describe(table)
        if dsc.datatype == u'FeatureClass' or dsc.datatype == u'FeatureLayer':
            arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(table, thisName, excludeStatement)
            arcpy.MakeTableView_management(table, thisName, excludeStatement)

def addTimeStamp(surveyGDB, timestamp):
    '''Disables editor tracking, adds and populates the timestamp field'''
    arcpy.AddMessage('\t-Adding Syncronization Time')
    arcpy.env.workspace = surveyGDB
    tableList = getSurveyTables(surveyGDB)
    for table in tableList:
        #Disable Editor Tracking
        #Add a synchronization field
        arcpy.AddField_management(table, 'SYS_TRANSFER_DATE', 'DATE')

    #Set it to the timestamp
    with arcpy.da.Editor(surveyGDB) as edit:
        for table in tableList:
            with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(table, ['SYS_TRANSFER_DATE']) as rows:
                for row in rows:

def addKeyFields(workspace):
    '''To enable transfer of attachments with repeats, we need an additional GUID field to serve as a lookup'''
    arcpy.env.workspace = workspace
    dscW = arcpy.Describe(workspace)
    tableList = []
    relClasses = [ for c in dscW.children if c.datatype == u'RelationshipClass']
    for child in relClasses:
        dscRC = arcpy.Describe(child)
        if dscRC.isAttachmentRelationship:
            originTable = dscRC.originClassNames[0]
            originFieldNames = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(originTable)]
            if 'rowid' not in originFieldNames:
                arcpy.AddField_management(originTable, 'rowid', 'GUID')
                with arcpy.da.Editor(workspace) as edit:
                    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(originTable, ['rowid']) as urows:
                        for urow in urows:
                            urow[0] = '{' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '}'

def createTables(surveyGDB, outWorkspace, prefix):
    '''Creates the doamins, tables and relationships of the survey in the target workspace'''
    arcpy.AddMessage('\t-Creating Tables')
    arcpy.env.workspace = surveyGDB
    allTables = getSurveyTables(surveyGDB)

    dscW = arcpy.Describe(arcpy.env.workspace)
    #migrate the domains
    arcpy.AddMessage('\t\t-Creating Domains')
    for domainName in
        if domainName[0:3] == 'cvd':
            tempTable = 'in_memory\{0}'.format(domainName)
            domainTable = arcpy.DomainToTable_management(surveyGDB, domainName, tempTable,'CODE', 'DESC')
            newDomain = arcpy.TableToDomain_management(tempTable, 'CODE', 'DESC', outWorkspace, domainName, update_option='REPLACE')

    arcpy.AddMessage("\t\t-Creating Feature Classes & Tables")
    for table in allTables:
        dsc = arcpy.Describe(table)
        newTableName = "{0}_{1}".format(prefix, table)
        templateTable = template=os.path.join(surveyGDB, table)

        if dsc.datatype == u'FeatureClass':
            newTable = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(outWorkspace, newTableName, "POINT", template=templateTable, spatial_reference=dsc.spatialReference)
            newTable = arcpy.CreateTable_management(outWorkspace, newTableName, template=templateTable)
        arcpy.AddMessage("\t\t\t-Created {0}".format(newTableName))

        #Attach domains to fields
        tableFields = arcpy.ListFields(table)
        for field in tableFields:
            if field.domain != '':
                arcpy.AssignDomainToField_management(newTable,, field.domain)
        if dscW.workspaceType == "RemoteDatabase":

    arcpy.AddMessage('\t\t-Creating Relationships')
    #Reconnect Relationship classes, checking for attachments
    'OneToOne': "ONE_TO_ONE",
    'OneToMany': "ONE_TO_MANY",
    'ManyToMany': "MANY_TO_MANY"

    for child in [(, c.datatype) for c in dscW.children if c.datatype == u'RelationshipClass']:
        dscRC = arcpy.Describe(child[0])
        RCOriginTable = dscRC.originClassNames[0]
        RCDestTable = dscRC.destinationClassNames[0]
        newOriginTable = "{0}_{1}".format(prefix, RCOriginTable)
        newOriginPath = os.path.join(outWorkspace, newOriginTable)
        if dscRC.isAttachmentRelationship:
            #Simple case - attachments have a dedicated tool
            newDestTable = "{0}_{1}".format(prefix, RCDestTable)
            newDestPath = os.path.join(outWorkspace, newDestTable)
            newRC = os.path.join(outWorkspace, "{0}_{1}".format(prefix, child[0]))
            relationshipType = "COMPOSITE" if dscRC.isComposite else "SIMPLE"
            fwd_label = dscRC.forwardPathLabel if dscRC.forwardPathLabel != '' else 'Repeat'
            bck_label = dscRC.backwardPathLabel if dscRC.backwardPathLabel != '' else 'Main Form'
            msg_dir = dscRC.notification.upper()
            cardinality = CARDINALITIES[dscRC.cardinality]
            attributed = "ATTRIBUTED" if dscRC.isAttributed else "NONE"
            originclassKeys = dscRC.originClassKeys
            originclassKeys_dict = {}
            for key in originclassKeys:
                originclassKeys_dict[key[1]] = key[0]
            originPrimaryKey = originclassKeys_dict[u'OriginPrimary']
            originForiegnKey = originclassKeys_dict[u'OriginForeign']
            arcpy.CreateRelationshipClass_management(newOriginPath, newDestPath, newRC, relationshipType, fwd_label, bck_label, msg_dir, cardinality, attributed, originPrimaryKey, originForiegnKey)
            #Regular Relation

def getTablesWithAttachments(workspace, prefix):
    '''Lists the tables that have attachments, so that we can seperately process the attachments during migration'''
    arcpy.AddMessage('\t-Finding Attachments')
    originalWorkspace = arcpy.env.workspace
    arcpy.env.workspace = workspace
    dscW = arcpy.Describe(workspace)
    tableList = []
    relClasses = [ for c in dscW.children if c.datatype == u'RelationshipClass']
    for child in relClasses:
        dbNameParts = child.split(".")
        childParts = dbNameParts[-1].split("_")
        if childParts[0] == prefix:
            dscRC = arcpy.Describe(child)
            if dscRC.isAttachmentRelationship:
                originTable = dscRC.originClassNames[0]
                originParts = originTable.split(".")
    arcpy.env.workspace = originalWorkspace
    return tableList

def createFieldMap(originTable, originFieldNames, destinationFieldNames):
    '''Matches up fields between tables, even if some minor alteration (capitalization, underscores) occured during creation'''
    arcpy.AddMessage('\t\t-Field Map')
    fieldMappings = arcpy.FieldMappings()
    for field in originFieldNames:
        if field != 'SHAPE':
            thisFieldMap = arcpy.FieldMap()
            thisFieldMap.addInputField(originTable, field)
            if field in destinationFieldNames:
                #Easy case- it came over w/o issue
                outField = thisFieldMap.outputField
       = field
                thisFieldMap.outputField = outField
                #arcpy.AddMessage("\t".join([field, field]))
                #Use regular expression to search case insensitve and added _ to names
                candidates = [x for i, x in enumerate(destinationFieldNames) if'{0}\W*'.format(field), x, re.IGNORECASE)]
                if len(candidates) == 1:
                    outField = thisFieldMap.outputField
           = candidates[0]
                    thisFieldMap.outputField = outField
    return fieldMappings

def appendTables(surveyGDB, workspace, prefix):
    '''Append the records from the survey into the destination database'''
    arcpy.AddMessage('\t-Adding records')
    arcpy.env.workspace = surveyGDB
    tableList = getSurveyTables(surveyGDB)
    attachmentList = getTablesWithAttachments(workspace, prefix)

    for table in tableList:
        #Normalize table fields to get schemas in alignmnet- enable all editing, make nonrequired
        fields = arcpy.ListFields(table)
        for field in fields:
            if not field.editable:
                field.editable = True
            if field.required:
                field.required = False
        destinationName = "{0}_{1}".format(prefix, table)
        destinationFC = os.path.join(workspace, destinationName)
        arcpy.AddMessage('\t\t-{0} > {1}'.format(table, destinationName))

        #First, append the table
        #Match up the fields
        originFieldNames = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(table)]
        destFieldNames = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(destinationFC)]
        fieldMap = createFieldMap(table, originFieldNames, destFieldNames)

        arcpy.Append_management(table, destinationFC, 'NO_TEST', fieldMap)

        if destinationName in attachmentList:
            appendAttachments(table, destinationFC)

def appendAttachments(inFC, outFC, keyField='rowid', valueField = 'globalid'):
    arcpy.AddMessage('\t\t\t-Adding attachments')
    # 1) scan through both GlobalID and rowID of the old and new features and build a conversion dictionary
    GUIDFields = [keyField, valueField]
    inDict = {}
    outDict = {}
    lookup = {}
    inAttachTable = "{0}__ATTACH".format(inFC)
    outAttachTable = "{0}__ATTACH".format(outFC)
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inFC, GUIDFields) as inputSearch:
        for row in inputSearch:
            inDict[row[0]] = row[1]
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(outFC, GUIDFields) as outputSearch:
        for row in outputSearch:
            outDict[row[0]] = row[1]
    for key, inValue in inDict.iteritems():
        if key not in outDict.keys():
            raise Exception('missing key: {0}'.format(key))
        lookup[inValue] = outDict[key]

    # 2) Copy the attachment table to an in-memory layer
    tempTableName = r'in_memory\AttachTemp'
    tempTable = arcpy.CopyRows_management(inAttachTable, tempTableName)
    # 3) update the attachment table with new GlobalIDs
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(tempTable, ['REL_GLOBALID']) as uRows:
        for uRow in uRows:
            uRow[0] = lookup[uRow[0]]

    # 4) Append to destination attachment table
    arcpy.Append_management(tempTable, outAttachTable, 'NO_TEST')

def FAIL(sectionText, err):
    arcpy.AddMessage ('======================')
    arcpy.AddMessage ('FAIL: {0}'.format(sectionText))
    arcpy.AddMessage ('exception:')
    arcpy.AddMessage (err)
    arcpy.AddMessage (err.args)
    arcpy.AddMessage (sys.exc_info()[0])
    arcpy.AddMessage (sys.exc_info()[2].tb_lineno)
    arcpy.AddMessage ('----------------------')
    arcpy.AddMessage ('arcpy messages:')
    arcpy.AddMessage (arcpy.GetMessages(1))
    arcpy.AddMessage (arcpy.GetMessages(2))
    arcpy.AddMessage ('======================')

def cleanup(ops, sdeConnection, prefix, now):
    if 'append' in ops.keys():
        arcpy.env.workspace = sdeConnection
        nowTS = createTimestampText(now)
        i = 0
        for table in ops['append']:
            i = i + 1
            thisName = 'layerOrView{0}'.format(str(i))
            whereStatment = "sys_transfer_date = timestamp'{0}'".format(nowTS)
            dsc = arcpy.Describe(table)
            selection = None
            if dsc.datatype == u'FeatureClass':
                arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(table, thisName, whereStatment)
                arcpy.MakeTableView_management(table, thisName, whereStatment)

    if 'createTables' in ops.keys():
        arcpy.env.workspace = sdeConnection
        tableList = getSurveyTables(sdeConnection, prefix)
        for table in tableList:

#    if 'tempdir' in ops.keys():
#        shutil.rmtree(ops['tempdir'])

def ConfigSectionMap(cfg, section):
    dict1 = {}
    options = cfg.options(section)
    for option in options:
            dict1[option] = cfg.get(section, option)
            if dict1[option] == -1:
                DebugPrint("skip: %s" % option)
            print("exception on %s!" % option)
            dict1[option] = None
    return dict1

def test(section):
    import ConfigParser
    cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'test.ini')
    ## Polio Test
    testConfig = ConfigSectionMap(cfg, section)

    testConfig['sde_conn'] = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), testConfig['sde_conn'])
    process(testConfig['sde_conn'], testConfig['prefix'], testConfig['service_url'], testConfig['username'], testConfig['password'], testConfig['timezone'])

def process(sdeConnection, prefix, featureServiceUrl, timezone, portalUrl=None, username=None, password=None):
        1) Query Feature Service endpoint for table names & IDs
        2) Check for existing tables
        3) If existing tables, get last synchronization time
        4) CreateReplica a FGDB
        5) Download the FGDB
        6) If new, create the tables
        7) Append
    now = getUTCTimestamp(timezone)
    cleanupOperations = {}
    section = 'Beginning'
        section = 'Logging in to Survey'
        tokenTest = arcpy.GetSigninToken()
        token = None
        if tokenTest == None:
            token = getToken(username, password, portalUrl)
            token = tokenTest['token']

        serviceInfo = getServiceDefinition(token, featureServiceUrl)
        if 'Sync' not in serviceInfo['capabilities']:
            arcpy.AddError('Sync Capabilities not enabled')
            raise Exception('Sync Capabilities not enabled')

        section = 'Checking Existing Data'
        existingTables = getSurveyTables(sdeConnection, prefix)
        lastSync = None
        if len(existingTables) > 0:
            lastSync = getLastSynchronizationTime(sdeConnection, existingTables)

        section = 'Downloading Survey'
        tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        #cleanupOperations['tempdir'] = tempdir
        surveyGDB = getReplica(token, featureServiceUrl, serviceInfo, now, outDir=tempdir, lastSync=lastSync)

        section = 'Preprocess Surveys for transfer'
        filterRecords(surveyGDB, now, lastSync)
        addTimeStamp(surveyGDB, now)

        if len(existingTables) == 0:
            section = 'Making Tables'
            createTables(surveyGDB, sdeConnection, prefix)
            cleanupOperations['createTables'] = True

        section = 'Updating Tables'
        cleanupOperations['append'] = existingTables
        appendTables(surveyGDB, sdeConnection, prefix)
        cleanupOperations.pop('append', None)
        cleanupOperations.pop('createTables', None)
    except Exception as e:
        FAIL(section, e)
        #clean up
        cleanup(cleanupOperations, sdeConnection, prefix, now)

def main():
    sde_conn = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
    prefix   = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
    featureService = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2)
    timezone = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)
    portal   = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4)
    username = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5)
    password = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(6)
    process(sde_conn, prefix, featureService, timezone, portal, username, password)
    arcpy.SetParameterAsText(7, sde_conn)


if __name__ == '__main__':
0 Kudos
6 Replies
MVP Emeritus

What software/environment are you planning on running this program?  In ArcCalalog? ArcMap?  Can you use it as a tool in a toolbox with the user navigating to the toolbox to run. Or do you need a button click in an addin?  In either of those cases, similar to your other question   you would want to use the built in Tools available. 

  • To start, create a toolbox 
    • in Catalog, in a folder, right-click and Add New Toolbox
    • Name it something that makes sense
  • In the toolbox,
    • right click and Add -> Script, and then point to the should have a .py extension already (rename if not).
    • Name the tool something that makes sense.
    • Best to have the script in the same folder as the toolbox...or what I like is to create a "scripts" folder and put them sensitive btw.
  • Right click on the new tool -> Properties
    • Give it a spaces
    • Give it a label....this is what shows as the tool name
    • In the Source tab, point to the location of the .py script
    • In the Parameters tab, that is where you set up the required or not, input vs output, default values, etc.
    • Apply of course
  • then you should be able to double-click the new tool in the toolbox to test

An Addin take a few more steps, but are not too bad.  I used them a lot, but they wil not be compatible with Pro.

As for your script, everyone has their own style, and mine is still/always changing, but my suggestion is to pull all your functions into a new file called or something similar, then in the main script, just   import utils     might make your script easier to read.  I haven't used "process" at all, so can't give any feedback on that.

There are many ways to dot he same this is just one quick possibility.  To get a better answer, you should provide a few more details on what and how you need to use this.

MVP Esteemed Contributor

Here's the help doc for connecting a script to a toolbox to run from ArcMap with parameters (with defaults, parameter validation, etc.)

Adding a script tool—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop 

Honored Contributor

Thanks for the info....I Should have explained myself better.  I am already launching this via a toolbox.  I added the script and it runs fine.  But I am now looking towards automation.  What I would actually like to do is fire this off with as a scheduled task.  I have a couple other .py files that I can do this with but this one was built to be run as a tool.  Trying to see what I have to do to convert it to a script that I can set up an OS scheduled task.

Default the Parameters and then launch as a scheduled task to run every night.

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

These are older (couldn't find recent posts/help right now)

Scheduling a Python script or model to run at a prescribed time | ArcGIS Blog 

ArcGIS Help 10.1 

They should provide information that will help you get this set up.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

If you want to hardcode the parameters for use in a scheduled task you will have to implement this at lines 569 - 575 where parameters 0 to 6 are set. Line 577 (setting of the output parameter 7) can be removed. 

MVP Honored Contributor

To set your default parameters rather than collect user input, change all the GetParameterAsText() to your desired defaults. I didn't go through the rest so there may be more changes required, but that would be a good start.