Good day everyone,
I've used the table to excel tool in model builder but now I want to have it in a form of a python script. Using the ESRI Table to Excel Help paged and I ended up with this.
# Run the Intersect analysis
Input_Table = arcpy.Intersect_analysis([IntersectFeature, AreaOfInterest], SpecifiedSites, "ALL", "", "INPUT")
# Report a success message
arcpy.AddMessage("Intersect analysis made!")
#Process: Export to CSV table
arcpy.TableToExcel_conversion(Input_Table, wrk+"\Ouput_Excel_File.xls", "NAME", "CODE")
# Report a success message
arcpy.AddMessage("Results exported to a Excel file!")
The intersect analysis works fine but the conversion failed to execute. Here's the specific error message:
Running script TableToExcel...
Failed script TableToExcel...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.2\ArcToolbox\Scripts\", line 222, in <module>
File "c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.2\ArcToolbox\Scripts\", line 216, in table_to_excel
File "C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.2\lib\site-packages\xlwt\", line 662, in save, self.get_biff_data())
File "C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.2\lib\site-packages\xlwt\", line 261, in save
f = open(file_name_or_filelike_obj, 'w+b')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'C:\\Users\\pierrej\\Desktop\\GISData\\Ouput_Excel_File.xls'
You might want to take a look at using Pandas to create Excel files directly... I've done it, and if I can find the scripts I created, I'll post them.
It seems like there is an issue with your parameter entries.
Try using the Table to Excel tool from the toolbox and see if that provides any insight.
The Table to Excel tool works perfectly from the toolbox/model builder. However, if I export the script generated from the Model and try to incorporate it in my Script Tool it doesn't work.
Jonathan... quit using the users folder
it is unicoding stuff and you are using python 2.7.
PRO would be better, and change your workspace to
r is for raw formatting if you are specifying paths.
Ouput_Excel_File.xls is missing a t
#one table to one excel
import pandas as pd
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
fields = ['TaxingEntity', 'ProjectID']
targetXL = r'J:\RDA\ProjectAreaIDs.xls'
arcpy.env.workspace = r'J:\RDA\RDA_TIF.gdb'
table = r'J:\RDA\RDA_TIF.gdb\MyMasterProjectAreaName_Agency'
fields = ['ProjectAreaName', 'ProjectAreaID']
tableArray = arcpy.da.TableToNumPyArray(table,fields)
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(targetXL)
df = pd.DataFrame(tableArray)
#use listTables and loop through
# gets fancy with a Numpy array...
import pandas as pd
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
fields = ['TaxingEntity', 'ProjectID']
targetXL = r'J:\RDA\ToBlake.xls'
arcpy.env.workspace = r'J:\RDA\Temp2.gdb'
tables = arcpy.ListTables()
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(targetXL)
for table in tables:
if table == 'AllTables_5_16':
elif table == 'NeedTaxEntRecords':
elif table == 'BlakesTaxinEntities':
inTable = table
tableArray = arcpy.da.TableToNumPyArray(inTable,fields)
df = pd.DataFrame(tableArray)
del tableArray
del df
The error was that I didn't double back slashed the path of my file output. Thanks everyone.