Hello all,
I would like to set the date format to only date and the dd.mm.yyyy format. It is possible to do that in the layer field settings under Number Format. However having a lot of layers and a lot of fields I would like to program to set all the date formats in bulk. Is that possible?
Thank you!
What is your windows date format set to?
Date fields—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Thank you for the answer and sorry not to specify better my issue.
My Windows regional settings as set as I want and so the displaying of the dates in ArcGIS Pro is not a problem.
The problem is when I publish the data to the Portal. If no specific parameter set in ArcGIS Pro all dates are by default displayed in the US format (mm/dd/yyyy 2:00 AM). That is why I need to set all the fields and I am looking for a way to do that automatically if possible.
. .. .. ArcGIS Pro uses Python functions and the display format depends on your regional settings, rather than the underlying database's format on the system....
I wonder if it a portal issue then since Pro and python seem to have you covered for the display you want
Yes indeed its a problem of the Portal. So I need to make sure to define the format of the field in ArcGIS Pro before publishing. If I set it manually in the ArcGIS Pro, when published on the portal is in a good format. So instead of setting it manually I wonder how I can do it with arcpy or with ModelBuilder. Do you know if it is possible?
I don't do Portal.
With python you can set date formats to whatever you want.
Arcpy would wrap around what is available
Maybe the "arcgis" module ArcGIS API For Python | ArcGIS Developer
but I don't have much call to use it.