When I run the script below I receive the following error any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I am very new to this portion of ESRI. Thank you!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\ServiceSupport\send_email.py", line 99, in <module>
to_addresses[:] = (value for value in to_addresses if value != '' and value != '#')
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import smtplib, sys
class EmailServer(object):
def __init__(self, smtp_server, smtp_username=None, smtp_password=None, use_tls=False):
self._server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server)
if use_tls:
if smtp_username and smtp_password:
self._server.esmtp_features['auth'] = 'LOGIN'
self._server.login(smtp_username, smtp_password)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def send(self, from_address="", reply_to="", to_addresses=[], cc_addresses=[], bcc_addresses=[], subject="", email_body=""):
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['from'] = from_address
if reply_to != "":
msg['reply-to'] = reply_to
if len(to_addresses) > 0:
msg['to'] = ", ".join(to_addresses)
if len(cc_addresses) > 0:
msg['cc'] = ", ".join(cc_addresses)
msg['subject'] = subject
msg.attach(MIMEText(email_body, 'html'))
recipients = to_addresses + cc_addresses + bcc_addresses
if ('') in recipients:
if len(recipients) == 0:
raise Exception("You must provide at least one e-mail recipient")
self._server.sendmail(from_address, recipients, msg.as_string())
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def _add_warning(message):
import arcpy
except ImportError:
def _set_result(index, value):
import arcpy
arcpy.SetParameter(index, value)
except ImportError:
if __name__ == "__main__":
smtp_server = 'smtp.****.*********.**.gov'
smtp_username = '***@.****.*********.**.gov'
smtp_password = '********'
use_tls = 'smtp.****.*********.**.gov'
from_address = '***@.****.*********.**.gov'
reply_to = '***@.****.*********.**.gov'
to_addresses = '***@.****.*********.**.gov'
cc_addresses ='***@.****.*********.**.gov'
subject = 'You have a New Inquiry'
email_body = '*:\***********\internal_email_template2.html'
smtp_server = 'smtp.****.*********.**.gov'
smtp_username = '***@.****.*********.**.gov'
smtp_password = '********'
use_tls = 'smtp.****.*********.**.gov'
from_address = '***@.****.*********.**.gov'
reply_to = '***@.****.*********.**.gov'
to_addresses = '***@.****.*********.**.gov'
cc_addresses ='***@.****.*********.**.gov'
subject = 'Thank you for your Report'
email_body = '*:\***********\user_email_template2.html'
# Remove empty strings from addresses
to_addresses[:] = (value for value in to_addresses if value != '' and value != '#')
cc_addresses[:] = (value for value in cc_addresses if value != '' and value != '#')
bcc_addresses[:] = (value for value in bcc_addresses if value != '' and value != '#')
all_addresses = to_addresses + cc_addresses + bcc_addresses
with EmailServer(smtp_server, smtp_username, smtp_password, use_tls) as email_server:
email_server.send(from_address, reply_to, to_addresses, cc_addresses, bcc_addresses, subject, email_body)
_set_result(11, True)
except Exception as e:
_add_warning("Failed to send e-mail. {0}".format(str(e)))
_set_result(11, False)
The error indicates that to_addresses is a string value, but the line of code is expecting to process a list.
>>> to_addresses = ['one@somewhere.gov', 'two@somewhere.gov', '', '#' ]
>>> to_addresses[:] = (value for value in to_addresses if value != '' and value != '#')
>>> to_addresses
['one@somewhere.gov', 'two@somewhere.gov']
Per the line of code, empty values and '#' will be removed from the list.
It also looks like you are setting up to process two email messages in your lines of code after __name__ == __main__. But you are just resetting the variables to new values, so only the last value will actually be used. Since bcc_addresses is not defined, this will also cause an error.