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Select By Attributes using a variable in the Where clause

01-04-2011 03:01 PM
Emerging Contributor
I am trying to iterate through each date in a shapefile using a list of dates. I am having trouble phrasing my Where clause to select only one date. If I use the following Python code, all dates are selected in each iteration:

datelst = ['2002-06-06','2002-06-07','2002-06-08']

arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management ("E:/hotspots.shp", "hotspots")

for dat in datelst:
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management ("hotspots", "NEW_SELECTION", ("'date' = 'dat'"))

I have tried rephrasing the Where clause in many different ways, but the result is that all records are selected, no records are selected, or an error message is returned. The query is successful if I use the string itself (e.g.

arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management ("hotspots", "NEW_SELECTION", "date = '2002-06-06'")

but then it is not possible to iterate through all of the dates in the file.
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15 Replies
Emerging Contributor
Ok, someone smarter than I am figured it out.  Here is the correct where clause:

for dat in datelst:
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management ("hotspots", "NEW_SELECTION", "\"date\" = " + "'" + dat + "'")
Honored Contributor
You should also just be able to use this:

for dat in datelst:
   arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management ("hotspots", "NEW_SELECTION", "date = '" + dat + "'") 

In arcpy (and also when using gp = arcgisscripting.create(9.3)), you shouldn't need to use the "\" things in SQL expresions anymore.

I think your original problem was that you had single quotes ('MY_FIELD') arount your field name, and you don't need to.
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Frequent Contributor
Thank you for asking the question!  I have been trying all kinds of different combinations for this problem as well.  ESRI needs to re-write their help so as not to confuse the issue further.  Adding parentheses and telling people they need double-quotes around field names to query shapefiles are both misleading pieces of advice.  Neither is true in this situation!!!
Deactivated User
I'm looking at doing something very very similar, the only difference is that my list contains numeric values and I want to compare a field to each value in the unique list.  However, I'm having trouble linking the field to the current value in the list using the MakeFeatureLayer tool.  I tried doing it as per this thread, but it appears that I need another way to compare the current value other than using it as a string (since survey_month is a double field).  Any help with linking the numerical value within the loop to my feature class field would be greatly appreciated!

valueList = []
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(inFC)
for row in rows:
  aVal = row.getValue(inField)
  if aVal not in valueList:

del row, rows
print valueList

for value in valueList:
  #make feature layer where survey_month field equals the current value in the unique list
  lyrbase = "MonthLyr"
  val = str(value)
  lyrname = lyrbase + val

  where = "survey_month = value"
##Also tried where = "survey_month = " + val
  arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(inFC, lyrname, where)
  #update symbology based on layer in mxd
  for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, lyrname,df):
    arcpy.mapping.UpdateLayer(df, lyrname, sourcelayer, True)

  #change the text element to read the month of the current unique value
  for elm in arcpy.mapping.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "TEXT_ELEMENT", "Month"):
    elm.text = "Month: " + val
  #export to PDF with settings
  outfile = outloc + val
  arcpy.mapping.ExportToPDF(mxd, outfile, data_frame="PAGE_LAYOUT", resolution=300, image_quality="BEST", colorspace="CMYK", image_compression="LZW", convert_markers="True", embed_fonts="True")
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Deactivated User
Hello everyone,

Very helpful thread. Thanks. One thing I changed in my for loop was to use "ADD_TO_SELECTION" rather than use the "NEW_SELECTION". In my case the for loop would overwrite each previous selection which of course is not the intended result. The "ADD_TO_SELECTION" parameter acts like "NEW_SELECTION" for the first iteration.

Here is my code for future reference to anyone else having similar problems. I have three seperate lists because I use them elsewhere in my function and my table contains 48 records. Of the 48 records only 37 are matched in the table as per my criteria. The idea behind this chunk of code within my function is to create a temporary or one time lookup table based on an area of interest. My goal was to select attributes I needed and delete the rows I did not need to complete my table.

    sList = ['BG','PP','IDFxh1','IDFxh1a','IDFxh2','IDFxh2a']
    mLIST = ['IDFdk1','IDFdk1a','IDFdk2','IDFdk3','IDFunk','MS']
    dList = ['ESSF','ICH','CWH']
    mergeList = sList+mLIST+dList

    # This is using python list comprehension to add the '%' wildcard to each item in my list
    #    because the attributes BG, PP, MS, ESSF, ICH, CWH contain up to 4 more characters
    mergeList = [x[:1]=='%' and x or x+'%' for x in mergeList] 
    print "The merged lists look like this:\n " + str(mergeList)


    for list in mergeList:
        print 'iterating through list item:', list
        where_clause = "MAP_LABEL LIKE '"+list+"'"

    newSel = int(arcpy.GetCount_management("tempBecTbl").getOutput(0))
    print "The new selection yieled "+str(newSel)+" fields selected"

    switchSel = int(arcpy.GetCount_management("tempBecTbl").getOutput(0))
    print "The switch selection yielded "+str(switchSel)+" fields selected"
    print "Deleted "+str(switchSel)+" rows from table that did not match the list criteria"

The output looks like this:

The merged lists look like this:
['BG%', 'PP%', 'IDFxh1%', 'IDFxh1a%', 'IDFxh2%', 'IDFxh2a%', 'IDFdk1%', 'IDFdk1a%', 'IDFdk2%', 'IDFdk3%', 'IDFunk%', 'MS%', 'ESSF%', 'ICH%', 'CWH%']
iterating through list item: BG%
iterating through list item: PP%
iterating through list item: IDFxh1%
iterating through list item: IDFxh1a%
iterating through list item: IDFxh2%
iterating through list item: IDFxh2a%
iterating through list item: IDFdk1%
iterating through list item: IDFdk1a%
iterating through list item: IDFdk2%
iterating through list item: IDFdk3%
iterating through list item: IDFunk%
iterating through list item: MS%
iterating through list item: ESSF%
iterating through list item: ICH%
iterating through list item: CWH%
The new selection yieled 37 fields selected
The switch selection yielded 11 fields selected
Deleted 11 rows from table that did not match the list criteria
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MVP Esteemed Contributor
Here is the correct where clause:

for dat in datelst:
  arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management ("hotspots", "NEW_SELECTION", "\"date\" = " + "'" + dat + "'")

Python string substitution makes this kind of thing a LOT easier to write and and debug:
whereExpr =  "\"date\" = \'%s\'" % dat  # I use outside double-quotes always for stylistic reasons
whereExpr =  '"date" = \'%s\'' % dat    # but this is equivalent, using ' to preserve " inside the string
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management ("hotspots", "NEW_SELECTION",whereExpr)

The "new" way to do this in Python is to use the .format method.

whereExpr = "\"date\" = \'{0}\'".format(dat)

I prefer the "old" "% syntax" way myself for simple expression creation. Both are still fully supported.

In arcpy (and also when using gp = arcgisscripting.create(9.3)), you shouldn't need to use the "\" things in SQL expresions anymore

I think it's still good practice to double quote field names. If you have field names that cause SQL heartburn, the quotes will protect your field names from being parsed as SQL code and breaking your expression.

Note when you're working with personal geodatabases, you need to use special field name delimeters ([]). ArcPy has a handy AddFieldDelimiters method to make your expressions .mdb-safe ("wks" below is the workspace where the table view you are querying against lives):

whereExpr = "{0} = \'{1}\'".format(arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(datefield,wks),dat)

Depending on the wks type, you get from this something like:

gdb, shape: "DATE" = '2012-01-02'
mdb:  [DATE] = '2012-01-02'

One more thing, since you were mentioning dates: be wary of date fields, they have all kinds of gotchas.

More details:
Arc 10 help: SQL reference for query expressions used in ArcGIS