I am trying to print empty/blank or Null records with the following but when nothing is printed and there is empty/blank and Null records in the layer. I would also like to print the number of empty/blank or Null records.
fc = "C:/Temp/Test.gdb/feature Class"
fields = ["OBJECTID", "PN1"]
for field in fields:
where = field + " IS " " OR NULL"
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, fields, where) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
print("OBJECTID {0}").format(row[0]) + " has a Empty/ Blank or NULL value in field " + field
except RuntimeError:
del cursor
counter = 0
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc,["OBJECTID","PN1"]) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if row[1] in ["", " ", None]:
counter += 1
print('{} {} is null {} times'.format(row[0],row[1],counter))
Solved! Go to Solution.
Without testing it right this minute it looks like you have something like this
field IS " " OR NULL
and I think that might evaluate as
(field IS " ") OR (NULL)
which means nothing to me. You would need to write it as
field = " " OR field IS NULL
Then the problem becomes that the first part only matches if the string contains exactly one space. You probably want an empty string,
field = "" OR field IS NULL
I have actually had datasets that had fields with one space in them, those can drive you crazy. You could probably find a neat SQL way to strip extra spaces and then check the length of the result string but I don't know how to do that in SQL. In python for example this gives 0 as the return: len(" ".strip())
Personally I have taken to using pandas for things like this, it does the hard parts internally where I don't see them and does them 10x as fast. It's another learning curve though. Later for that maybe.
Without testing it right this minute it looks like you have something like this
field IS " " OR NULL
and I think that might evaluate as
(field IS " ") OR (NULL)
which means nothing to me. You would need to write it as
field = " " OR field IS NULL
Then the problem becomes that the first part only matches if the string contains exactly one space. You probably want an empty string,
field = "" OR field IS NULL
I have actually had datasets that had fields with one space in them, those can drive you crazy. You could probably find a neat SQL way to strip extra spaces and then check the length of the result string but I don't know how to do that in SQL. In python for example this gives 0 as the return: len(" ".strip())
Personally I have taken to using pandas for things like this, it does the hard parts internally where I don't see them and does them 10x as fast. It's another learning curve though. Later for that maybe.
I was able to get something printed with the suggestion but it repeats.
fields = ["OBJECTID", "PN1"]
for field in fields:
where = "PN1 = ' ' OR PlN1 IS NULL"
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, fields, where) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
#print("Null value in row {0}".format(row[0], row[1]))
print ("OBJECTID {0}".format(row[0]) + "has a NULL value in field")
## result = arcpy.GetCount_management(fc).getOutput(0)
## print ('{} has {} records'.format(fc, result[0]))
except RuntimeError:
del cursor
OBJECTID 44has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 47has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 88has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 106has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 108has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 121has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 130has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 182has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 210has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 44has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 47has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 88has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 106has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 108has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 121has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 130has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 182has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 210has a NULL value in field
I was able to get what I need with the following. My only other question is how do I get the counter to on top of the OBJECTID rows?
fields = ["OBJECTID", "PN1"]
where = "PN1 = ' ' OR PN1 IS NULL"
counter = 0
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, fields, where) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if row[1]in ["", " ", None]:
counter += 1
print ("OBJECTID {0}".format(row[0]) + "has a NULL value in field")
print ("{} {} records have blank/empty or NULL records".format(row[0],counter))
OBJECTID 44has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 47has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 88has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 106has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 108has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 121has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 130has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 182has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 210has a NULL value in field
210 9 records have blank/empty or NULL records
How do i put the "210 9 records have blank/empty or NULL records" on top like so
210 9 records have blank/empty or NULL records.
OBJECTID 44has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 47has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 88has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 106has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 108has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 121has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 130has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 182has a NULL value in field
OBJECTID 210has a NULL value in field
You could accumulate the messages in a string,
msg = ''
count = 0
for i in range(1,10):
count += 1
msg = f'record {i}\n'
print("total records =", count)