I have been trying to figure out why the Multivalue boxes in my tool don't respond with the "Select All" and "Unselect All" buttons. They also don't stay unchecked (they are default checked) when I click other buttons.
Here is my validation code (the commented out part at the bottom was my attempt but I get errors):
import arcpy
import os
class ToolValidator(object):
"""Class for validating a tool's parameter values and controlling
the behavior of the tool's dialog."""
def __init__(self):
"""Setup arcpy and the list of tool parameters."""
self.params = arcpy.GetParameterInfo()
def initializeParameters(self):
"""Refine the properties of a tool's parameters. This method is
called when the tool is opened."""
def updateParameters(self):
"""Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal
validation is performed. This method is called whenever a parameter
has been changed."""
if self.params[1].value:
if self.params[1].valueAsText.find(";") > -1:
fclist = self.params[1].valueAsText.split(";")
layerList = []
for each in fclist:
# source = arcpy.Describe(each).catalogPath
# desc = arcpy.Describe(each)
# layersource = desc.catalogPath
print layerList
layerList = []
# desc = arcpy.Describe(self.params[0].value)
# layersource = desc.catalogPath
# layerList.append(layersource)
layerList = [self.params[1].valueAsText]
print layerList
fieldlist = []
for each in layerList:
#fieldnames = [f.name for f in arcpy.Describe(each).fields]
fieldnames = arcpy.Describe(each).fields
for fields in fieldnames:
if fields not in fieldlist:
self.params[2].value = fieldlist
print fieldlist
# if self.params[1].hasBeenValidated:
# for checked in self.params[2].valueAsText.split(';'):
# if checked not in self.params[2].filter.list:
# self.params[2].value = self.params[2].filter.list[2]
def updateMessages(self):
"""Modify the messages created by internal validation for each tool
parameter. This method is called after internal validation."""
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
I think that this
if fields not in fieldlist:
is checking if the field object is in the fieldlist but it should be checking fields.name.upper() in fieldlist since you are appending the field's basename's to the list.
I tried your suggestion but it caused my field pick list to be blank. I have added a picture of my tool to better illustrate
I think .value allows for objects, so its parsing the field name from the field object in your multivalue there. Have you tried setting the filter list to the param filter, instead of the value? You may need to apply my previous suggestion of field names.
fcFilter = self.params[2].filter
fcFilter.list = filterlist
Can you clarify which line this change should go? I tried it on line 47 and my field list doesn't populate.
Has anyone else figured out how this function works? This is still an issue for me.
This block of code lets me choose multiple items/ select all and deselect all works. in my 3rd parameter:
def updateParameters(self):
if self.params[2].value:
fcFilter = self.params[3].filter
iniPath = r"{}".format(self.params[2].valueAsText)
attributevalues = list(set([line.strip().split('.')[1] for line in open(iniPath)]))
fcFilter.list = attributevalues
line 47 in your code would be replaced, did you also try with a list of fieldnames instead of a list of field objects?
Another thing you can try to do is work backwards because its hard to debug this class. Create a hard coded list and get that to display/ work correctly and then manipulate your incoming data to be structured exactly like the pseudo list.
Thank you for providing a piece of your code, but this did not work for me.
I need to use feature layers inside arcmap for my tool to work properly. I cannot use a file path. There are only two issues that prevent my script from working and it comes down to the Validator.
1. If the layers are in a group it will not work at all. E.g. "IOError: "'New Group Layer\wControlValve'" does not exist". On line 42, arcpy.Describe(each).fields, isn't working.
2. If I ungroup my layers, the field list populates, but now none of the boxes will stay unchecked, making my tool useless.
Right now, the way I have my code works to an extent, it is my lack of understanding why the boxes wont stay unchecked.