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Repetitive Tasks: Save a copy of APRX, Rename Copied APRX, Query a layer, Set scale of map frame

08-06-2024 02:13 PM
Occasional Contributor

Calling all Developers! I do NOT want to do something manually lol Or trying to do the least amount of repetitive tasks as possible.

I need a script that would allow me to

1. Save a copy of an APRX template

2. Rename the copied APRX x 50

3. Query a polygon layer based on a name field x 50

4. Set scale of map frame x ?

5. Pan to & center polygon feature in map frame x 50


Unfortunately, I am not able to use a map series for this particular project because there are too many different scales for the features to make the maps look nice. I need to make about 50 maps so the more I can do with python will be greatly appreciated.

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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Here is a little something to get you started.


import arcpy
import os

template_aprx_path = r"C:\your\template.aprx"  # Path to your APRX template
output_folder = r"C:\output\folder"  # Folder to save the copies
polygon_layer_path = r"C:\path\to\your\polygon_layer"  # Path to your polygon layer
name_field = "Name"  # Field used for querying
map_frame_name = "Layers Map Frame"  # Name of the map frame to modify
scale = 50000  # Desired scale for the map frame

# Ensure output folder exists
if not os.path.exists(output_folder):

# Create copies of the APRX template and process each
for i in range(1, 51):  # Loop 50 times
    # Define the new APRX file path
    new_aprx_path = os.path.join(output_folder, f"Project_{i}.aprx")
    # Copy the APRX template to the new file, new_aprx_path)
    # Open the APRX file
    aprx =
    # Get the map
    map_obj = aprx.listMaps()[0]
    # Get the map frame
    map_frame = map_obj.listLayers(map_frame_name)[0]
    # Query the polygon layer and process each feature
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(polygon_layer_path, [name_field]) as cursor:
        for row in cursor:
            feature_name = row[0]
            # Select the polygon feature based on the name
  , "NEW_SELECTION", f"{name_field} = '{feature_name}'")
            # Get the selected feature's extent
            selected_features =, "temp_lyr", f"{name_field} = '{feature_name}'")
            extent = arcpy.Describe(selected_features).extent
            # Zoom polygon feature in the map frame
   = scale
            # Save changes
    # Release the APRX object
    del aprx

print("Processing completed.")



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Occasional Contributor

Hi Tony,

I am getting this error...


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 30, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range


Also am I supposed to put quotes around the map name on line 27?

Thank you.

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Frequent Contributor

The following code loops through the "CITY" field, processing each unique city. For each city, it creates a feature class in the geodatabase, zooms into that city's area, and generates a new .aprx file named after the city. I believe this code will do what you are asking. You may need to make adjustments to fit your specific requirements, hope it helps.
import arcpy
import os

# Define paths
gdb_path = r"C:\your\template.gdb" # Path to your geodatabase location
polygon_layer_path = r"C:\your\template.gdb\layer" Path to your polygon layer

# Get the current project and map
project ="CURRENT")
map = project.listMaps()[0]  # Adjust if necessary to select the correct map
lyt = project.listLayouts('Layout')[0]  # Adjust if necessary to select the correct layout, THIS IS SUPPER IMPORTANT, IF YO DON'T CHANGE IT TO MATCH YOURS,THE CODE WILL NOT CREATE THE APRX.
mf = lyt.listElements("MAPFRAME_ELEMENT", '*')[0]  # Get the first map frame element

# Make a feature layer from the feature class, "city_limits_layer")

# Access the feature layer
city_limits_layer = "city_limits_layer"

# Get unique values from the CITY field
city_names = set()
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(city_limits_layer, ["CITY"]) as cursor:
    for row in cursor:

# Loop through each unique city and create a feature class in the geodatabase
for city_name in city_names:
    # Create a feature layer for the city, "temp_city_layer", f"\"CITY\" = '{city_name}'")
    # Define the path for the new feature class in the geodatabase
    city_feature_class = os.path.join(gdb_path, f"{city_name.replace(' ', '_')}_fc")
    # Copy the feature layer to the geodatabase"temp_city_layer", city_feature_class)
    # Add the feature class to the map
    # Get the new layer from the map
    new_layer = map.listLayers(f"{city_name.replace(' ', '_')}_fc")[0]
    # Get extent using arcpy.Describe()
    desc = arcpy.Describe(new_layer)
    ext = desc.extent
    # Zoom to the extent of the layer
    # Set the scale to 1:24,000 = 24000
    # Create a new project for each city
    new_project_path = os.path.join(r"C:|Tenp\CityLimits", f"{city_name.replace(' ', '_')}.aprx") # Folder to save the copies
    new_project ="CURRENT")

# Save the original project (optional)



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