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Referencing Field types in Value Table for JoinFeatures

06-03-2022 08:54 AM
New Contributor

I'm trying to create a python script in ArcGIS Pro to perform a simple join on two feature layers. I am trying to add the Field objects to a Value Table as described in the ArcGIS Pro docs here, but I'm not sure how to specify the relationship. I have created the Value Table, and I understand that the values are space delimited, I'm just not sure exactly what form the Fields should be referenced in.

I have a reference to the Field objects in the form of 

<geoprocessing describe field object object at 0x000001C5AF296B50>

that I got using the ListFields() method. This is the address I get when using AddMessage(field0) to debug.

I am getting 

ERROR 120034: At least one relationship is required.

when I call 

arcpy.geoanalytics.JoinFeatures(targetFeatures, joinFeatures, outFS,"JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", None,
None, None, None, attrRelations, None,
joinCondition, None, keepTargetFeatures)

I would greatly appreciate any help that can be provided!

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