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Raster to Point? Extracting XY Coordinates directly to a raster?

03-08-2017 07:46 AM
New Contributor III

Hi all,

I'm working with some satellite imagery (LS8) and need the coordinates of the center of each of cell. I clipped down the imagery to a specified spatial extent. From the clipped satellite imagery, I then convert it to a point shapefile, project it to GCS,  and do a "Add XY Coordinates" to that shapefile since I need the units in decimal degrees. Is there a workaround this process? Somehow extract the coordinates directly to a raster? On average, it takes about 1.5 hours to process each clipped Landsat Scene.

I attached my code below.

Thanks a million,

NM Water

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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus

do you actually need the coordinates and values of every cell in your clipped raster? or do you just need locations and values from a certain number of locations? 

ps... just copy the salient portions of your code and post them with syntax highlighting, downloading a zip is a pain and unzipping is sometimes impossible in some environments.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Get the extent of your raster.

The cell center, bottom left, is at (xmin+cellSize/2; ymin+cellSize/2). Iterate to xmax and ymax using cellSize/2 
