I am doing some work with multidimensional rasters in a Python notebook. I've run into some problems with this workflow.
The current one is that methods appear to not be maintained through raster calculator calcuations.
Example code with error
temp_max_file = r"c:\GridMetData_2020\tmmx_2020.nc"
temp_min_file = r"C:\GridMetData_2020\tmmn_2020.nc"
max_temp_rast = arcpy.Raster(temp_max_file,True)
min_temp_rast = arcpy.Raster(temp_min_file,True)
DD5_conus = ((max_temp_rast - min_temp_rast)/2)-5
DD5_gt0_conus = arcpy.sa.Con(DD5_conus > 0.0, DD5_conus, 0.0)
DD5_gt5c_conus = arcpy.sa.Con(DD5_conus > 5.0, DD5_gt0_conus, 0.0)
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
In [25]:
Line 1: DD5_gt5c_conus.mean()
RuntimeError: Unspecified error
Some of the same functionality is available with the aggregateMultidimensionalRaster too,
This is however a unpythonic solution and add another level of commplextiyh to the cocde.
Any ideas on how to keep the object methods as the object groes through calculations?
Can you check back on what type(obj) shows for your earlier calls? My guess is one of those did not get dynamically cast to a Raster object and assumed a scalar operation. If you explicitly cast, it should work, e.g. in your last step request a new DD5_gt5c_conus_rast = arcpy.Raster(DD5_gt5c_conus).
Cheers, Shaun