I have 2 rasters in 2 differents locations. I need to use the raster calculator in arcpy like below:
Float(input_biomassa - std_tif)
I was exported the code from Model Builder, but no work properly.
Someone can help me?
showing the modelbuilder export code would help
otherwise look at
Plus (Spatial Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Int (Spatial Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
paying attention to cell cize,alignment and extent if you want expected results
I´m using Arcmap, below the code:
arcpy.gp.RasterCalculator_sa("Float(input_biomassa - std_tif)", negativo_tif)
I was tried your suggests already, but no work too.
Float("input_biomassa" - "std_tif"), "negativo_tif")
would be the case in Pro... the raster names are in " " not as you have it