I want to populate our electric line segment attributes in HV Conductor layer using python script. Can you please demonstrate how it can be done. I also need tip on Python books to read.
Why a python script... especially if you know little about it.
Everyone will have an opinion on what is best. It might be useful for you to list what titles you have seen online and what ESRI publications you are considering. In any event, Python 3 is what you should be learning since it is largely back-portable, but python 2.x is terminal very soon
Hi Dan,
Thank you for your advice and input.
Currently, the company I am working for is using ArcGIS with Python 2.7. We are in the process of using python to automate some of our utilities asset task. Can you please refer me to ESRI publication on electric utilities workflow.
There are Places... under the Communities, Industries link
For example....
And on the publication site
some like... but if you are from a non-US site, then you should go through your regional esri page
Thank you Dan.