I don't know a lot about python but i installed arcmap 10.5.1 on some PCs with python 2.7 , the PCs already have python 3.4 before installation and they were compiling Python scripts now after installation of arcmap , python 3.4 is not compiling scripts , how to solve such problem ?
Tagging https://community.esri.com/community/developers/gis-developers/python?sr=search&searchId=1c34e34a-a9... for more exposure.
Get rid of python 3.4. You will mess up the version of python that arcmap uses.
You should also update arcmap to 10.6 to get the most recent version of 2.7.
Install ArcGIS Pro should you need python 3.X ... python 3.6.x is the current version and the Anaconda distribution will keep your versions of python separate and clean
Actually dan i installed arcmap 10.5.1 and arcpro 2.1 , the problem is that i cant get rid of python 3.4 they want to use It outside arcgis , they used to use python 3.4 and scripting and now after I installed arcgis something went wrong .
sorry i dont know a lot in python and scripting but now what i should do ?
You can use python 3.6 outside of ArcGIS. in any event, there is probably a *.pth or PYTHONPATH or sys.path that is pointing something to the wrong location.
Thanks dan , i created path for python 3.4 in systems path and it worked