maybe someone can help me to rewrite a VBA script to python. I'am new to this whole programming thing and I really need some help.
So I have a folder with several hundred image tiles, and an index.shp file that has a coordinate that represents the centroid of each image tile. In the attribute table for the index.shp, there is a field called Hyperlink, which specifies the full folder path and filename of each image on my hard disk.
What I am looking for is a tool/script that can look at which features of the index.shp I have manually selected, and then load the appropriate image tiles into ArcMap. I found this script below, but i need this script for python. And there are some problems to fix:
- The shape file needs to be the top-most layer, but each time I run the python macro the newly loaded image is inserted on top. I then have to re-arrange the layers to run it again.
- It is only possible to load one raster at the time. But I need several more rasters.
Private Sub LoadImageForSelectedFeat()
Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
Dim pMap As IMap
Dim pFeatureLayer As IFeatureLayer
Dim pFeatureSelection As IFeatureSelection
Dim pFeatureCursor As IFeatureCursor
Dim pSelectedFeature As IFeature
Dim pSelectionSet As ISelectionSet
Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
Set pMap = pMxDoc.FocusMap
Set pFeatureLayer = pMap.Layer(0) ' Layer index of the shape file
Set pFeatureSelection = pFeatureLayer
Set pSelectionSet = pFeatureSelection.SelectionSet
pSelectionSet.Search Nothing, False, pFeatureCursor
Set pSelectedFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature
'I assume that you have single feature selected
If Not pSelectedFeature Is Nothing Then
Dim strFullPath As String
strFullPath = pSelectedFeature.Value(pSelectedFeature.Fields.FindField("LOCATION")) ' You can specify the field name from where you accessing the path
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strArray() As String
Dim intI As Integer
strArray = Split(strFullPath, "\")
strFilename = strArray(UBound(strArray))
strPath = Mid(strFullPath, 1, Len(strFullPath) - Len(strFilename))
Dim pWorkspaceFactory As IWorkspaceFactory
Set pWorkspaceFactory = New RasterWorkspaceFactory
Dim pRasterWorkspace As IRasterWorkspace
Set pRasterWorkspace = pWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(strPath, 0)
Dim pRasterDataset As IRasterDataset
Set pRasterDataset = pRasterWorkspace.OpenRasterDataset(strFilename)
Dim pRasterLayer As IRasterLayer
Set pRasterLayer = New RasterLayer
pRasterLayer.CreateFromDataset pRasterDataset
pMap.AddLayer pRasterLayer
End If
End Sub
I hope someone can help me!
Thanks in advance