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Primary/Foreign Key from Relationship Class

11-22-2013 11:35 AM
Frequent Contributor
I was able to get the relationshipClassNames property to work (thanks Xander!), but did not realize the relationshipClass property did not have a primary and foreign key field. 

arcpy.Describe(arcpy.MakeTableView_management(table, table + "_view")).relationshipClassNames:

I tried using some code from this thread, but get an empty value [].

fields = arcpy.Describe(relationshipName).fields
print fields

Any ideas on how to get the primary/foreign keys from a relationship class?
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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor
The answer from tech support is the primary/foreign key properties are not exposed in Python, but there is an enhancement request already in for this.
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Esri Contributor

You may have been on one of the other threads where I posted this response, but incase you missed it, this functionality will be included in the 10.2.1 release via arcpy.Describe(<relclass>).OriginClassKeys and arcpy.Describe(<relclass>).DestinationClassKeys.

Frequent Contributor
Thanks Jill!
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