I was planning to write a script which would save a copy of aprx from the template and perform the zoom on all Layouts. Just to simplify things I will give an example of one Layout. On Layout called Elevation, zoom should be performed to Site Boundary (always different size, geometry, and location). See below what I have prepared, but it is not performing the zoom. I think I don't call correctly newly created aprx, but I can not figure out where is the issue. If I create and aprx and run the zoom on the opened aprx (using "CURRENT") it works very well, but I would like to do the same without needing to open it. Below is the script and I would really appreciate any feedback
import arcpy, os
import math
def path_file(path):
path_split = path.split(os.sep)
site_name = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
out_path = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (1)
aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject(r"C:\...\Template.aprx")
aprx.saveACopy(out_path + os.sep + site_name + ".aprx")
new_aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject(out_path + os.sep + site_name + ".aprx")
m = new_aprx.listMaps("Elevation")[0]
lyr = m.listLayers("Site Boundary")[0]
lyt = new_aprx.listLayouts("Elevation")[0]
mf = lyt.listElements("mapframe_element", "Map" )[0]
mf.camera.setExtent(mf.getLayerExtent(lyr, False, True ))
if mf.camera.scale < 1000:
mf.camera.scale = 1000
else: mf.camera.scale = mf.camera.scale * 1.15
mf.camera.scale = math.ceil(mf.camera.scale/2000)*2000
Hi, I think the issue is when you define mf variable
it should be
Don't forget to delete variable aprx and new aprx using del
Hopefully it helps you
HI Alexander Daniel_Pratama, thanks for getting back to me. I have tried your suggestion, but sorry it doesn't work. Anyway I will keep trying
That's spirit!
Actually I ran your code several times, and it perfectly works. But I modified the map_frame string as MAPFRAME_ELEMENT", "Map Frame* as I suggest.
You can see the difference of this two images below
scale 6000 with mf.camera.scale * 1.15
scale 16000 with mf.camera.scale * 3
Here's your code. NOTES: please do not mind of arcpy.GetParameterAsText be removed, I just use the string to main code is fine or not.
import arcpy
import os
import math
site_name = 'test'
out_path = 'C:\..\TEMPLATE_COPY'
aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject(r"C:\..\TEMPLATE\LAYOUT_1.aprx")
aprx.saveACopy(out_path + os.sep + site_name + ".aprx")
new_aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject(out_path + os.sep + site_name + ".aprx")
m = new_aprx.listMaps("First Page Map")[0]
lyr = m.listLayers("POI")[0]
lyt = new_aprx.listLayouts("Layout")[0]
mf = lyt.listElements("MAPFRAME_ELEMENT", "Map Frame*")[0]
mf.camera.setExtent(mf.getLayerExtent(lyr, False, True ))
if mf.camera.scale < 1000:
mf.camera.scale = 1000
else: mf.camera.scale = mf.camera.scale * 1.15
mf.camera.scale = math.ceil(mf.camera.scale/2000)*2000
lyt.exportToJPEG(os.path.join(out_path, 'Sample.jpeg'), resolution=200)
del new_aprx
del aprx
I did not open the aprx also. I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.2. However, I believe the Arcgis pro version does not affect the code. If everything does not work, I suggest updating the ArcGIS Pro if you do not have other concerns.
thanks again AlexanderDaniel_Pratama, still not working I am getting error on
mf = lyt.listElements("MAPFRAME_ELEMENT", "Map Frame*")[0]
possible asterisk*? . Using ArcGIS Pro version 2.9.5. Anyway I have figure out the way, to export every Layout after being zoomed in. so added a line at the end of my scritpt
lyt.exportToPDF(os.path.join(out_path, lyt.name + ".pdf"), resolution=300)
which is an idea I used from you answer. All works fine now, so thanks a bunch