I'm using the particle track in python and limiting it to a specific trackingtime. For each tool run, I want the rasters input (magnitude and direction) to change to the next rasters in the lists, and the starting point of the tracking (x,y) to be derived from the last polyline point of the previous run. Attached is what I have so far but I get Error999999. It works when arcpy.point is not in a loop but fails within it.
Any help would be very appreciated.
for idx in range(0, len(mag)):
print "working on index "+str(idx)
inMagnitudeRaster= mag [idx]
print inMagnitudeRaster
inDirectionRaster= direction [idx]
print inDirectionRaster
basename= inDirectionRaster.split(".tif")[0]
outTrackPolylineFeatures = os.path.join (OutputFolder, basename + '.shp')
outTrackFile= os.path.join(OutputFolder, basename +'.txt')
ParticleTrack (Raster(inDirectionRaster), os.path.join(r'C:/Time_slices/January_newrun/Magnitude2/Rectified/Stripped',inMagnitudeRaster), sourcePoint,outTrackFile, "
arcpy.AddField_management (outTrackPolylineFeatures, "LastX", "DOUBLE")
arcpy.AddField_management (outTrackPolylineFeatures, "LastY", "DOUBLE")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(outTrackPolylineFeatures, "LastX", "(!SHAPE.lastpoint.X!)", "PYTHON_9.3")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(outTrackPolylineFeatures, "LastY", "(!SHAPE.lastpoint.Y!)", "PYTHON_9.3")
endx, endy = [i for i in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(outTrackPolylineFeatures,['LastX','LastY'])][-1]
sourcePoint= arcpy.Point(float(endx),float(endy),None,None)