I am currently use a map service publishing script that uses CreateMapSDDraft to create the service definition draft and then I edit the service properties by treating it as an xml file. This script works for fresh publishes as well as overwrites. I'm curious if anybody has a workflow for overwrites that uses the service properties that already exist for the given map service, just like "Share As > Service... > Overwrite an existing service" in ArcMap does. I'd like to avoid having to repopulate the service properties every time I want to overwrite a map service because they differ slightly depending on the map service.
In case it's relevant, I am using ArcMap 10.2.1 and publishing to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.1.
Solved! Go to Solution.
What if you store the settings for the service as JSON by accessing the service through the Admin API (ex https://server.domain.com:6443/arcgis/admin/services/<service>.MapServer?f=json) prior to publishing, overwrite the service, and then re-apply the settings?
What is updating within the service to require you to overwrite it? Symbology, layer/layer order, etc)?
What if you store the settings for the service as JSON by accessing the service through the Admin API (ex https://server.domain.com:6443/arcgis/admin/services/<service>.MapServer?f=json) prior to publishing, overwrite the service, and then re-apply the settings?
What is updating within the service to require you to overwrite it? Symbology, layer/layer order, etc)?
The general idea is that when a change to a map document is made (symbology, layers, whatever), I'd like to republish it without changing the service properties. For example, I'm currently working on a request that involves enabling the time properties on a handful of layers scattered across 20 map documents that have different min/max instances set. I'd like to run a script to republish them all in one go without having to worry about re-setting the min/max instances per-document.
I think your solution will do the trick. I just wish there was a better way to fetch service properties so it could function more like the manual overwrite process that just uses what's already there. Thank you!
Edit: I'll go ahead and mark your answer as correct but I'm still curious to see if anybody else has other ideas!
Has there been any update on this? I am trying to complete the exact same task.
How do you do this? Ie. store settings as JSON and then reapply?
Yes, access the service properties through the Admin API first and store them in a variable, then once the service is published, reapply the service properties through the <service URL>/edit URL.
Thanks for this. I am attempting this for the first time. Do you have a script for this, or an example i can use?
Here's the script I made after following Jonathan's advice. This script iterates through all .mxd files in a given folder and publishes a map service with each document. I modified the script to get the map service properties as JSON via the Admin API. Then I modified the properties in .sddraft to match what came back from the Admin API request. This basically works the same as overwriting a map service while keeping the same service properties.
Some details specific to this script that you may have to modify:
Hope this helps!
import arcpy, glob, os, sys, json, requests
import xml.dom.minidom as DOM
from arcpy import env
# Obtain script parameters
svrName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) #string indicating which environment to publish to (I have this as a dropdown in an ArcMap tool)
username = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) #Portal username
password = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) #Portal password
wrkspc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) #Filepath to a folder where all .mxd files are
serverFolder = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) #The ArcGIS Server folder to publish to (I have this as a dropdown in an ArcMap tool)
if svrName == 'DEV':
server_url = 'https://dev-server-machine.domain.com/arcgis/admin/'
token_url = 'https://dev-portal-machine.domain.com:7443/arcgis/sharing/rest/generateToken'
elif svrName == 'TEST':
server_url = 'https://test-server-machine.domain.com/arcgis/admin/'
token_url = 'https://test-portal-machine.domain.com:7443/arcgis/sharing/rest/generateToken'
elif svrName == 'UAT':
server_url = 'https://uat-server-machine.domain.com/arcgis/admin/'
token_url = 'https://uat-portal-machine.domain.com:7443/arcgis/sharing/rest/generateToken'
else: #'PROD'
server_url = 'https://prod-server-machine.domain.com/arcgis/admin/'
token_url = 'https://prod-portal-machine.domain.com:7443/arcgis/sharing/rest/generateToken'
#Fix string if ArcGIS Server root folder is chosen
if serverFolder == '[root]':
serverFolder = ''
#Set parameters for server connection file function
out_folder_path = wrkspc
con = 'tmp.ags'
use_arcgis_desktop_staging_folder = True
staging_folder_path = None
#Create the temporary server connection file
#Generate token to use in request to get service properties
payload = { 'username': username, 'password': password, 'expiration': '60', 'referer': server_url, 'request': 'gettoken', 'f': 'json' }
r = json.loads(requests.post(token_url, data=payload, verify=False).content)
#Confirm token was generated
if 'token' in r:
token = r.get('token', None)
arcpy.AddError('Error: Unable to generate token')
#Change directory to given folder
env.workspace = wrkspc
#Iterate through all MXDs in the folder
for mxd_str in glob.glob('*.mxd'):
#Access and print name of MXD
arcpy.AddMessage('***Publishing {0}***'.format(mxd_str))
mapDoc = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mxd_str)
#Provide other service details
filename = os.path.splitext(mxd_str)[0] #Removes '.mxd' from filename
service = filename
sddraft = filename + '.sddraft'
sd = filename + '.sd'
#Create service definition draft
arcpy.mapping.CreateMapSDDraft(mapDoc, sddraft, service, 'FROM_CONNECTION_FILE', con, False, serverFolder)
#Get service properties from ArcGIS Server to add back to sddraft
if serverFolder == '':
url = server_url + 'services/' + service + '.MapServer'
url = server_url + 'services/' + serverFolder + '/' + service + '.MapServer'
payload = {'f':'json',
r = json.loads(requests.post(url, data=payload).content)
#.sddraft can be parsed like XML. Modify the .sddraft to add existing service properties
xml = sddraft
doc = DOM.parse(xml)
keys = doc.getElementsByTagName('Key')
for key in keys:
if key.hasChildNodes():
if key.firstChild.data == 'maxDomainCodeCount':
key.nextSibling.firstChild.data = r['properties']['maxDomainCodeCount']
if key.firstChild.data == 'antialiasingMode':
key.nextSibling.firstChild.data = r['properties']['antialiasingMode']
if key.firstChild.data == 'maxRecordCount':
key.nextSibling.firstChild.data = r['properties']['maxRecordCount']
if key.firstChild.data == 'schemaLockingEnabled':
key.nextSibling.firstChild.data = r['properties']['schemaLockingEnabled']
if key.firstChild.data == 'MinInstances':
key.nextSibling.firstChild.data = r['minInstancesPerNode']
if key.firstChild.data == 'MaxInstances':
key.nextSibling.firstChild.data = r['maxInstancesPerNode']
if key.firstChild.data == 'IdleTimeout':
key.nextSibling.firstChild.data = r['maxIdleTime']
#Output to a new .sddraft
newSddraft = filename + 'New.sddraft'
f = open(newSddraft, 'w')
#Analyze the service definition draft
analysis = arcpy.mapping.AnalyzeForSD(newSddraft)
#Print errors, warnings, and messages returned from the analysis
badDataSource = False
arcpy.AddMessage('The following information was returned during analysis of the MXD:')
for key in ('messages', 'warnings', 'errors'):
vars = analysis[key]
for ((message, code), layerlist) in vars.iteritems():
#Check for "24011: Data source is not registered with the server and data will be copied to the server"
#Cannot publish if this warning appears
if code == 24011 or code == 24012:
badDataSource = True
arcpy.AddMessage(' {0} (CODE {1})'.format(message, code))
arcpy.AddMessage(' applies to:')
for layer in layerlist:
arcpy.AddMessage(' {0}'.format(layer.name))
#Stage and upload the service if the sddraft analysis did not contain errors
if (analysis['errors'] == {} and not badDataSource):
#Execute StageService. This creates the service definition file.
arcpy.StageService_server(newSddraft, sd)
#Execute UploadServiceDefinition. This uploads the service definition and publishes the service.
arcpy.UploadServiceDefinition_server(sd, con)
arcpy.AddMessage('Service successfully published')
arcpy.AddMessage('Service could not be published because errors were found during analysis.')
#Delete temporary files
#Print any error messages that may have generated
#Delete temporary connection file
#Print success message
arcpy.AddMessage('All done!')
Thank you so much for sharing this.
Thanks, this is very helpful!
I am trying to modify it to use to migrate services from one server to another and it is mostly working but I have a question.
Is there an easy way to use all the properties of the existing service for the new service or do they have to be specified one by one?
Given the ease of importing the properties when publishing in arcmap it feels like there must be an arcpy equivalent to this.