By the way , assuming the 'County_Name' exists, if you are looping to get the unique values of that field, there is a faster (at least faster to write) cleaner Pythonic way, by using set.
A set is an unordered collection with no duplicate elements. So basically, instead of going line by line and assigning the values after checking if they already exist, you can use a "set comprehension" to add all the values to the set function. And then Python set() do the work behind the scene and returns only the unique values for you.
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(county_data, "County_Name") as cursor:
# extracting unique values in the field using Python set function and set comprehension
counties= sorted({row[0] for row in cursor})
Then the sorted function -obviously- sorts the values and returns them in a list.
Please follow what @DavidPike sent you to make your code readable.