Hi Community,
I am attempting to use the arcpy.Geometry() objects .union() method to update records in a feature class that were appended but now need to be merged with an existing feature where appropriate (governed by a SQL expression). I am using the arcpy.da.UpdateCursor() to perform the updates. I am attempting to do something like the following, but I am getting an "AttributeError: 'Array' object has no attribute 'union'" error.
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(zoning, 'zoning_lyr')
arcpy.management.SelectLayerByAttribute('zoning_lyr', "NEW_SELECTION", "Zoning = 'A'")
selectCount = int(arcpy.GetCount_management('zoning_lyr')[0])
if selectCount >= 2:
zoningGeom = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management('zoning_lyr',arcpy.Geometry())
edit.startEditing(False, False)
N = 1
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(zoning, "Shape@", "Zoning = 'A'") as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if N == selectCount:break
while N < selectCount:
row = row[0].union(zoningGeom[N]) # Fails here
N += 1
del row, cursor
The code below works without error, except it doesn't run through the whole list of zoningGeom features before moving to the next zoning record in the for loop. Ideally I would have it run through the records in the zoningGeom geometry object, unioning each one to the zoning layer before running out of features to union and exiting both loops.
N = 1
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(zoning, "Shape@", "Zoning = 'A'") as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if N == selectCount:break
row = row[0].union(zoningGeom[N])
N += 1
I think I am just missing something fundamental here. Hopefully, someone can swoop in and point me in the right direction or, better yet, offer a solution.
Thank you in advance,
Solved! Go to Solution.
Your first script fails because you forgot the index in the failing line. So you're trying to use the non-existing union method of an array (row) instead of the geometry (row[0]).
But the script would fail there anyway, because arcpy.management.CopyFeatures() does not what you think it does. You seem to want to extract the geometries, but this tool copies a feature class from one location to another.
You got the gist of what you need to do:
zones = "TestPolygons" # layer name or fc path
zone_name_field = "TextField" # name of the field that determines the "sameness"
only_keep_first = True # only keep the first row of each zone, delete the following rows
zone_names = ["A"] # Names you want to union
# You can also do it automatically for every zone name:
#zone_names = {r[0] for r in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(zones, [zone_name_field])}
for zone_name in zone_names:
sql = f"{zone_name_field} = '{zone_name}'"
# extract the geometries into a list
zone_geometries = [r[0] for r in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(zones, ["SHAPE@"], sql)]
first_row = True
# iterate over the fc
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(zones, ["SHAPE@"], sql) as cursor:
for r in cursor:
if first_row:
# union the current geometry with every extracted geometry
geo = r[0]
for other_geo in zone_geometries:
geo = geo.union(other_geo)
# delete the following rows if only_keep_first == True
first_row = not only_keep_first
With only_keep_first == True:
With only_keep_first == False:
edit and format your code would be helpful
Code formatting ... the Community Version - Esri Community
It doesn’t appear to be possible on mobile. I will update/correct tomorrow. Thank you for the tip.
Your first script fails because you forgot the index in the failing line. So you're trying to use the non-existing union method of an array (row) instead of the geometry (row[0]).
But the script would fail there anyway, because arcpy.management.CopyFeatures() does not what you think it does. You seem to want to extract the geometries, but this tool copies a feature class from one location to another.
You got the gist of what you need to do:
zones = "TestPolygons" # layer name or fc path
zone_name_field = "TextField" # name of the field that determines the "sameness"
only_keep_first = True # only keep the first row of each zone, delete the following rows
zone_names = ["A"] # Names you want to union
# You can also do it automatically for every zone name:
#zone_names = {r[0] for r in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(zones, [zone_name_field])}
for zone_name in zone_names:
sql = f"{zone_name_field} = '{zone_name}'"
# extract the geometries into a list
zone_geometries = [r[0] for r in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(zones, ["SHAPE@"], sql)]
first_row = True
# iterate over the fc
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(zones, ["SHAPE@"], sql) as cursor:
for r in cursor:
if first_row:
# union the current geometry with every extracted geometry
geo = r[0]
for other_geo in zone_geometries:
geo = geo.union(other_geo)
# delete the following rows if only_keep_first == True
first_row = not only_keep_first
With only_keep_first == True:
With only_keep_first == False:
Not only the solution I was after but served on a silver platter!!!
Thank you @JohannesLindner