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Looping thru Databases in order to List Versions

08-08-2012 07:14 AM
New Contributor
Hi.  I am new to the Python scene, and just started learning about it.  I am trying to figure out how to accomplish what I think is a simple task.  Basically, I want to make a list of versions that are in our sde databases.

This is what I have written so far:

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = "Database Connections"
dbList = ["CIP", "Ems", "MMS", "Prod", "Storm", "Utils", "WCS"]

##sdeDB = "SQL" + str(dbList) + ".sde"
##The result of this line of code is: SQL[CIP, Ems, MMS, Prod, Storm, Utils, WCS].sde & it is not what I want

for list in dbList:
print list

I know that it is primitive, and is probably wrong in so many ways.  Having said that, this is what I am trying to do:

--Look in ???Database Connections??? at the individual databases
--Make a list
--Add ???SQL??? in front of each item in the list
--Add ???.sde??? to the end of each item on the list
     These are the sde database names

For the second part of the script, I???d like to:

--Find the versions in those databases
--See a list of the versions in each of the databases

Here is what I have drafted so far to see the list, but it is only for SQLUtils.sde:

versionList = arcpy.ListVersions(r"Database Connections\SQLUtils.sde")
for version in versionList:
   print version

This script works just fine, but only for SQLUtils.sde, but I want to get it to loop thru sde databases in Database Connections after it appends the ???SQL??? prefix and the ???.sde??? extension to the database name.

I know that I could simply type the "SQL" and ".sde" to the items in the list, but where is the challenge in that?

Any suggestions?  I'd really appreciate your help.


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14 Replies
Frequent Contributor
This will work regardless of windows version  or settings.
path = os.path.join(os.getenv("APPDATA"), r"ESRI\Desktop10.0\ArcCatalog")
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Occasional Contributor
Thanks mzcoyle for the clarification.  Do you know off hand if sde connections are stored by default in the
"C:\\Documents and Settings\\user\\Application Data\\ESRI\\Desktop10.0\\ArcCatalog\\" folder in XP?
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Frequent Contributor
Thanks mzcoyle for the clarification.  Do you know off hand if sde connections are stored by default in the
"C:\\Documents and Settings\\user\\Application Data\\ESRI\\Desktop10.0\\ArcCatalog\\" folder in XP?

Yes they should be.
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New Contributor
Using the following code, I get this error message:

"TypeError: ListVersions: Could not open SDE Workspace."

import arcpy,os
#path to database connections
path = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\jwinoker\\Application Data\\ESRI\\Desktop10.0\\ArcCatalog\\"
dirs = os.listdir(path)
#list of the full paths of SDE databases in Database Connections
dbs = [(path + dir) for dir in dirs if dir.endswith(".sde")]
for db in dbs:
    dbName = db.replace(path,"")
    #print a divider underneath the database Path
    print("-" * len(dbName))
    #for each SDE database, creates a list of its versions
    versions = arcpy.ListVersions(db)
    for version in versions:
        print version
    # create whitespace between each database and list of versions
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Frequent Contributor
Using the following code, I get this error message: 

"TypeError: ListVersions: Could not open SDE Workspace." 

import arcpy,os 
#path to database connections 
path = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\jwinoker\\Application Data\\ESRI\\Desktop10.0\\ArcCatalog\\"  
dirs = os.listdir(path) 
#list of the full paths of SDE databases in Database Connections 
dbs = [(path + dir) for dir in dirs if dir.endswith(".sde")]  
for db in dbs: 
dbName = db.replace(path,"") 
#print a divider underneath the database Path 
print("-" * len(dbName)) 
#for each SDE database, creates a list of its versions 
versions = arcpy.ListVersions(db) 
for version in versions: 
print version 
# create whitespace between each database and list of versions 

Have some problems with your paths I would think. Us os.path functions to properly define paths in python. Changing the red bold parts worked for me.

import arcpy
import os
#path to database connections
path = os.path.join(os.getenv("APPDATA"), r"ESRI\Desktop10.0\ArcCatalog")
dirs = os.listdir(path)
#list of the full paths of SDE databases in Database Connections
dbs = [(os.path.join(path, dir)) for dir in dirs if dir.endswith(".sde")]
for db in dbs:
    dbName = db.replace(path,"")
    #print a divider underneath the database Path
    print("-" * len(dbName))
    #for each SDE database, creates a list of its versions
    versions = arcpy.ListVersions(db)
    for version in versions:
        print version
    # create whitespace between each database and list of versions
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