I have 190 rasters and 190 polygons.
I need to clip each raster with it respective polygon
Rasters are identified as sm001.jpg to sm192.jpg
Polygons are identified as sm001_plg.shp to sm192.shp
In each iteration the raster clipped must be named as sm001.img ...sm192.jpg
With the below code I am doing the proccess manually
nodata_value="256", clipping_geometry="NONE", maintain_clipping_extent="NO_MAINTAIN_EXTENT")
Could anyone help me to write the code in a loop?
Any idea is welcome
Thank you very much indeed
import arcpy
#folder locations
in_raster_folder = "D:/ask/smimgs"
in_polygon_folder = "D:/ask/sm_plg"
out_clip_folder = "D:/ask/smimgs_clips"
arcpy.env.workspace = in_raster_folder
in_rasters_list = arcpy.ListRasters("*", "ALL")
for raster in in_rasters_list:
raster_name = raster[:-4]
clip_poly = in_polygon_folder+"\\"+raster_name+"_plg.shp"
out_raster = out_clip_folder+"\\"+raster_name+"clp.img"
arcpy.Clip_management(raster,"" , out_raster, clip_poly, "256", "NONE", "NO_MAINTAIN_EXTENT")