I am trying to write a very simple script that exports a layer to KMZ file using LayerToKML GP tool.
import arcpy
p = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject(pLocation)
mp = p.listMaps()[0]
for lyr in mp.listLayers():
print (lyr.name)
arcpy.conversion.LayerToKML(lyr,out, 0, "NO_COMPOSITE", "DEFAULT", 1024, 96, "CLAMPED_TO_GROUND")
the Data source is file FGDB and Pro map has only one layer with 10 lines features ( the data is very simple)
the script executed locally on my C drive, but I keep getting this error
arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: ERROR 000210: Cannot create output C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Temp\{74AB2B10-C6A1-4D89-AB64-FE6CE55D17FE}.lyrx
Failed to execute (LayerToKML).
I checked my local temp folder and I have full Read and Write permissions. my question is why I am getting this error, and why the tool is trying to export the lyrx to the temp folder?
I tired to set arcpy.env.workspace to point to the project location but it didnt nothing.
I am using ArcGIS Pro 2.5
The { and } characters in the filename are not valid. You need to remove them or provide a different file name.
Thanks Randy, I dont have any control on the lyrx file name or location, I think its apart of the LayerToKML Geo-processing tool.
I tired to run the script from Pro Python window and it worked and I can see the file generated in the Temp folder even with {} in the name.
Shouldn't line 5 come before line 2 where pLocation is referenced?
Yes It should, it might be switched while I am copying and pasting from my script to Geonet
( I updated the code snippet) , thank you for catching it.
It seems to be a bug in Pro 2.5!
Layer to KML works in Python window but not in Script tool [Update: Bug]
The script works in Pro 2.4 , I am going to test on Pro 2.6 and confirm if it works or not.
BUG-000129805: Running the Layer to KML geoprocessing tool works in..
not addressed yet
I have the same problem, so the solution is PRO 2.4?
On the link I posted.... BUG-000129805: Running the Layer to KML geoprocessing tool works in..
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