I am trying to run the Laharz_py program and keep on receiving this error message when trying to run the models. I know next to nothing about python scripting. Would anyone please be able to explain, (preferably in layman's terms, I really am clueless,) what this means and how I might fix it.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\Xally\8°\ERIA\Procesos\ArcGis\laharz\laharz_py_example\laharz_py\distal_inundation.py", line 1621, in <module>
File "E:\Xally\8°\ERIA\Procesos\ArcGis\laharz\laharz_py_example\laharz_py\distal_inundation.py", line 974, in main
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'PrefixName' referenced before assignment
Failed to execute (laharzdistalzones.py).
The error message means that something that was expected (in your case a variable called PrefixName) doesn't have a value, or a value it can use.
Your script is trying to use the variable named 'PrefixName' before it is being created, hence, the last line in the Error: local variable 'PrefixName' referenced before assignment'. Make sure that it is created before you try to use it.
Hi Xally, wondered if either of these solutions worked for you, as I am having the same issue but changing the prefix has made no impact in the drop down menu. I would appreciate knowing how you resolved this!