Item usage not correctly getting requests

03-28-2023 08:37 PM
New Contributor II


I want to be able to query the number of item requests during a certain time period. If I use:

ap_hits = ap_item.usage(date_range = '6M, as_df = True)

Screenshot 2023-03-28 at 11.25.57 PM.jpg

 But if I uses date_range = '24', '7D', '30D', or '60D' it comes up as None

Screenshot 2023-03-28 at 11.31.04 PM.jpg

As you can see from the '6M' option, I do have requests in the last 7D.  Why can't I do get the requests with specific time dates less than 6 months?


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3 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor


You can get the usage if you don't return it as a data frame:

testDictionary = item.usage(date_range='30D',as_df=False)

 But then you have to combine them together. I made a spreadsheet from the dict. Another user sums it, example here:


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New Contributor II

Thank you,  I will look into this.

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MVP Regular Contributor

BUG-000155249 has been fixed. Can confirm that returning as data frame now works expected

from arcgis.gis import GIS

gis = GIS("home")

# Replace 'item_id' with the actual ID of the item you want to retrieve
item_id = ''

# Get the item by ID
item = gis.content.get(item_id)

item_hits = item.usage(date_range= '7D', as_df = True)

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